London police violently assaulted protesters on Saturday at Trafalgar Square where thousands of people gathered in defiance of the UK’s authoritarian COVID lockdown measures.
Dozens of protesters were injured when authorities moved in to shut down the “We Do Not Consent” rally after several hours of impassioned speeches by speakers like David Icke explaining why the government wants to keep the measures in place indefinitely as a weapon of control.
As David Icke was speaking to thousands, riot police began to attack the crowd and storm the stage.
“Crowds in Trafalgar Square have not complied with the conditions of their risk assessment and are putting people in danger of transmitting the virus,” the Metropolitan Police told the media.
“This has voided their risk assessment and we have informed the event organizers they are no longer exempt from the regulations.”
Notably, UK authorities have selectively enforced mass demonstrations like these in recent months, shutting down anything that goes against the lockdowns, while allowing and even praising dozens of Black Lives Matter and other far-left marches that freely took over the city over the summer.
For example, London Mayor Sadiq Khan condemned the anti-lockdown protest on Saturday, calling the protesters “reckless” and “violent,” when it was the police who first instigated violence when shutting the event down.
“The reckless and violent behavior of some protesters has left hard-working police officers injured and put the safety of our city, which is at a critical moment in the fight against this virus, at risk. This is totally unacceptable,” Khan said.
“We cannot let the sacrifices Londoners have made be undermined by the selfish behavior of a small number,” he added, seemingly unaware that thousands of people attended the protest.
But in June, at the height of the pandemic, Khan praised the BLM demonstrators marching through London, assuring them he “stands” with their cause with no mention of violating the city’s lockdown measures.
“To the thousands of Londoners who protested peacefully today: I stand with you and I share your anger and your pain,” Khan said. “George Floyd’s brutal killing must be a catalyst for change worldwide. No country, city, police service or institution can absolve itself of the responsibility to do better. We must stand together and root out racism wherever it is found. Black Lives Matter.”
Like the communist menace Winston Churchill characterized as the “Iron Curtain” descending over Eastern Europe during the Cold War, now the Iron Curtain of communism has enveloped the entire globe disguised as a coronavirus lockdown directive by the globalist cabal.
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CDC warns “breathing” spreads the novel. UK says smother someone in respiratory or cardiac distress with a cloth in new CPR tactic. Instead of the Heimlich Maneuver, we could call it the Scalia Maneuver. Grab a pillow.
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