The Daily Show host Jon Stewart joined the chorus of condemnation over concerns about the Jade Helm military exercise last night when he referred to people who had worries about the drill as “lone star lunatics”.

Stewart characterized Jade Helm as an exercise that will prepare U.S. troops for “missions against ISIS-like groups,” although a study of the actual Jade Helm literature reveals that the drill is more geared towards infiltration and occupation techniques rather than armed combat.

“You know who’s calling it a ‘Texas takeover’? Lone star lunatics. Dallas dicks, Houston assholes,” Stewart said. “There’s no Texas takeover. The United States government already controls Texas…..just borrow a textbook from a neighboring state — it’s all in there.”

Stewart goes on to call Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria’s appearance at a town hall meeting in Bastrop to answer questions from “crazy people” about Jade Helm “a waste of time,” before lambasting Texas Governor Greg Abbott for announcing that the Texas State Guard will monitor the exercise, not “take on the United States military” as Stewart chides.

Stewart ends the skit by suggesting that Texans are only concerned about Jade Helm due to their racially-driven hatred of President Barack Obama.

“It appears you are on the verge of being taken over by ISIS or the United States of America,” Stewart said. “So you have a choice to make.”

As we have documented, over the past two weeks dozens of media outlets have characterized concerns over the exercise as being founded in baseless paranoia, ignorant of the manifestly provable preparations for domestic disorder by both the U.S. Army and the federal government that have been unfolding for decades.

While Jade Helm will by no means herald the implementation of martial law, it will serve to further acclimatize Americans to the sight of troops on the streets and the militarization of law enforcement, something that leftists like Stewart are normally concerned about.

Two other prominent voices have also weighed in on Jade Helm in recent days, but with a somewhat different take than Jon Stewart.

On Sunday, Senator Ted Cruz said he had reached out to the Pentagon for answers on Jade Helm and that he understood why people had their concerns.

“I understand the reason for concern and uncertainty, because when the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration, the natural consequence is that many citizens don’t trust what it is saying,” said Cruz, adding, “I think part of the reason is we have seen, for six years, a federal government disrespecting the liberty of the citizens. That produces fear, when you see a government that is attacking our free speech rights, or Second Amendment rights, or religious liberty rights. That produces distrust.”

Meanwhile, in an article published by WND, Chuck Norris shot back at leftists who had mocked Governor Abbott for his announcement, adding that Americans should be skeptical about the true purpose behind Jade Helm.

“Concerned Texans and Americans are in no way calling into question our brave and courageous men and women in uniform,” wrote Norris. “They are merely following orders. What’s under question are those who are pulling the strings at the top of Jade Helm 15 back in Washington. The U.S. government says, “It’s just a training exercise.” But I’m not sure the term “just” has any reference to reality when the government uses it.”

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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