The number of Italian cases of COVID-19 climbed by 6.9%, the slowest daily rate of increase since Italy’s lockdown began.

Two weeks since reporting its first case, Cameroon total cases climbed to 99 on Saturday, as African countries report surprisingly slow spread of the virus despite their relatively poor infrastructure.

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Update (1420ET): As the death toll skyrockets, Spanish officials said they would need to tighten quarantine rules, and are now ordering all people to stay indoors at all times, unless they’re going to work at an “essential” job. We expect the bare minimum of exceptions (trips outside permitted to get food) will continue.

Meanwhile, in France, large numbers of the public continue to ignore the quarantine.

Though France’s health minister said Saturday that the country could soon face shortages of critical drugs, he assured the public that an order for 1 billion masks had recently been put in to ‘China’.

In Italy, the tone was far more somber.

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