Ethical grandstanding fails to hide transhumanist, oppressive background of technology giant

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs

In light of Steve Jobs announcing his resignation as chief executive of Apple, it’s necessary to consider what role the company has come to occupy as one of the behemoths of the technology industry. They are undoubtedly the most innovative company out there, but the question remains – is Apple evil?

Jobs hails from the same transhumanist crowd that gave us Google and Microsoft, Bill Gates and Bill Joy. Earlier this year, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said that “the human race is destined to become little more than house pets” as a result of the rise of artificial intelligence.

Little surprise therefore that Apple pushes the discredited anti-human dogma embraced by the global warming movement. Indeed, climate cult luminary Al Gore joined Apple’s board of directors in 2003.

Like Google and Microsoft, Apple likes to grandstand as an ethical company, indeed, in its early days it was considered to be outside the mainstream. However, as Apple has raked in the profits, it has concurrently started to rival Google in the “evil” stakes.

While Apple lauds its charitable ventures, behind the scenes it has blocked the release of video games like Glupod that allow winners to turn in-game winnings into food for starving people. Apple Inc. was more concerned about the name being similar to the iPod than it was feeding the poor.

Similarly, Apple has blocked apps that allow users to make charitable donations via their phone.

While Jobs and Apple pay lip service to the ethical foundation of the company, its track record is anything but.

Workers at the Foxconn manufacturing company in China, which makes Apple products, regularly attempt to throw themselves off the top of buildings because of the slavish working conditions enforced at the plant. Apologists for Apple have tried to distance the company from these deaths by claiming this is well below the national average of suicides in China, a misnomer Dan Lyons has firmly debunked.

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“Walmart has 1.4 million employees in the United States. Can you remember a time when 10 or 15 Walmart workers jumped to their deaths from the roofs of Walmart stores over the course of a few months? Have you ever heard of Walmart asking employees to sign a no-suicide contract, or putting safety nets up on all of its buildings? If this did happen, would you think maybe something is going on at Walmart? Or would you just say, well, 10 or 15 people out of 1.4 million is still waaaay below the national average?” writes Lyons.

Apple’s intimidation of journalists has also attracted a wave of bad publicity for the company. Last year, Gizmodo blogger Jason Chen’s home was raided by police after Apple discovered that Chen had obtained a prototype of the next iPhone.

Although Apple makes great products, its users are becoming overly dependent on their gadgets and literally allowing their brains to be re-wired. For Apple, the end user has become the product.

Apple has some of the biggest profit margins for its products in history. Instead of posing as an ethical outfit by pushing the pseudo science of global warming, while behind the scenes contracting some of the most oppressive and dehumanizing manufacturers to make their products, if Jobs were to forgo just a few dollars per each item sold, Apple could become a global leader in a new era of genuine ethical capitalism, paving the way for other companies to follow.

Maybe as Steve Jobs approaches the “event horizon” of his life, he will consider whether Apple should be more than paying lip service to the humanitarian causes it espouses yet constantly fails to live up to.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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