Aaron Dykes
March 4, 2011

Thanks to our grassroots supporters, the search term “Defriend Day” has reached #1 on Google Trends, in attempt to draw attention to the gross violations of privacy seen on platforms including Facebook and other trendy sites. The abuses of social media and ulterior motives for government, marketing & database entities, and even individuals, are little understood by the public, all too ready to post detailed personal information to network with their contacts and “friends.”

Author and ‘resistance’ leader Mark Dice joined Alex Jones today to promote his ‘defriend day’ initiative on Facebook. Here’s why:

My name is Mark Dice, and I wrote this Defriend Day article. I’m also the author of a new book that details, not only Facebook’s dangers, but also a variety of other even more important issues regarding how our lives are on the verge of turning into something literally worse than the dystopian world described by George Orwell in his famous novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. My book is called Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True, if you are interested in learning more. (Available only at Infowars.com)

Facebook is so much more than most people think it is. There are numerous cases of people’s homes being burglarized because they posted a status update saying they were going away for a week, and as a result some scumbag on their “friends” list who friended them at some point in the last few years, breaks into their house and robs them while they’re gone. There are also numerous reports of police going online and looking at their local students’ Facebook pages and then tracking some of them down and arresting them for underage drinking after using the students’ Facebook photos as the evidence.

Facebook has rapidly become such a large part of most people’s lives that many have often neglected to notice the vast social implications of this new media.
It’s time you start thinking about Facebook a little differently then, and now is the time to begin taking a few simple steps by cleaning up your Facebook “friends” list. This is the perfect time to remove a few people (perhaps even a few dozen or even hundreds of people) from your “friends” list. Blame it on Defriend Day. It’s today (no matter what day you’re reading this). You’re excused. It’s OK. >>>READ MORE FROM MARK DICE

>>>>Read more about ‘Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True’ or get the book first ONLY AT INFOWARS.COM


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