Congressman still polling in top tier, raises $2m from latest money bomb

Steve Watson
October 21, 2011

Ron Paul

Ron Paul has polled third in a new Rasmussen Iowa GOP caucus poll released this week, while Rick Perry came in a distant sixth with 7% of the vote.

The Congressman pulled in 10% of the vote tally, while Romney totaled 21% and Herman Cain received 28% of the vote.

The poll of 800 likely Iowa Republican caucus participants was undertaken after the CNN debate in Las Vegas.

The survey dovetails with a recent Public Policy Polling poll of likely Iowa voters that also found Paul in third place with 10%.

Rasmussen notes, however, that “Only one-third of the caucus-goers (32%) are certain of their vote and don’t expect to change their mind. Among these voters, 30% prefer Cain, 22% Romney, and 17% Paul.”

Given Cain’s lackluster performance in the most recent debate, the subsequent focus on the flaws in his 9-9-9 plan, and Ron Paul’s announcement of his “Restore America” economic blueprint, the only plan to balance the budget from any candidate, it will be interesting to see how the poll numbers change in the days and weeks to come.

The Paul campaign yesterday announced the release of two new broadcast ads, part of the multi million dollar promotional buy that the campaign has undertaken.

Paul’s website notes that the ads “capitalize on the aggressive posture Dr. Paul displayed during his Las Vegas, Nevada “Plan to Restore America” launch.”

The first ad is a 30 second spot entitled simply “Plan”, that summarizes the Congressman’s “Plan to Restore America”.

“The absolutely positive reception of Ron Paul’s ‘Plan to Restore America’ means we’re obligated to meet an even higher standard of outreach and discussion,” said Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton, a “Plan to Restore America” co-author.

“No other Republican candidate’s economic plan matches that of Dr. Paul’s, so in turn we thought it only right to follow with a worthy campaign advertising effort,” said Mr. Benton.

Meanwhile, Paul’s Senior Adviser Bruce Fein writes in an editorial today:

“Ron Paul is the sole 2012 presidential candidate who doesn’t sound an uncertain trumpet when it comes to balancing the budget and shrinking the federal Leviathan. All the others hedge their promises with weasel words or abstractions.”

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The second ad is a 60-second spot titled “Consistent”. The ad compares Paul’s flawless constitutional voting record with the records of his establishment opponents Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, who have all flip flopped on a number of issues and supported big government legislation such as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP.

“I’ve been talking about these issues for a long, long time – we are bankrupt and we must decide which way we are going to go,” Paul says in the ad.

The ads will run for the next fortnight in the key early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada.

The Paul campaign also announced that it has drawn another $2 million from its latest “money bomb,” to add to the $3.5 million still left on hand from the last quarter.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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