Memos obtained by hacker Guccifer 2.0 from former House minority leader Nancy Pelosi’s computer appear to suggest Obama administration policies did indeed lead to the rise of ISIS, as pointed out by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“In short: Our [2003] invasion created the atmosphere for a Jordanian to start a Muslim sectarian war, which ultimately created ISIS,” the October 2014 memo from Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee policy director Mike Ryan states.

The leaked memo reveals the state of affairs “worsened after U.S. troops left Iraq, helping quickly deteriorate the situation further” and give way to the rise of ISIS.

While the events discussed in the memo took place during the George W. Bush administration, Obama’s policies in withdrawing US forces exacerbated the conditions under which ISIS was mestastisizing.

“Unmentioned is that the bulk of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq took place under the Obama administration and was completed by December 2011,” writes Breitbart’s Aaron Klein.

Despite this, the memo attempts to blame President Bush’s actions for ISIS’ inception, even though the terror group didn’t come into prominence until June 2014.

“When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 we triggered a massive insurgency against our presence,” the memo says. “Around this time, a Jordanian ex-convict named Zarqawi travelled to Iraq with one goal: to establish a religious state just for Sunni Muslims.”

“Zarqawi was killed by American forces in 2006,” states the memo. “His successors now lead the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.”

The memo also acknowledges ISIS fighters have obtained “hundreds of millions of dollars of sophisticated weapons, including vehicles and GPS-equipped weapons. Many of these are American-made and were captured from Iraqi troops.”

While ISIS is depicted in the memo as “the most extreme and powerful Sunni jihadist group worldwide” – made up of “20,000-31,500 fighters, and as many as 15,000 of them are believed to be foreign recruits” – Obama went on to characterize the organization as the “jayvee team” in an interview with The New Yorker.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took flak for stating earlier this year that President Obama was
“the founder of ISIS.”

“He was the founder of ISIS, absolutely – the way he removed our troops,” Trump said in an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box last month.

Trump says he originally lobbied against the invasion of Iraq, and has stated Obama’s policies “absolutely” aided the terror group:

“I was against the war in Iraq. I was totally against it – even though I was a civilian, so nobody cared – but we shouldn’t have been in Iraq. I would not have been in Iraq if I was president, but that mistake was made – one of the worst mistakes in the history of our country.

“We destabilized the Middle East. We’ve been paying the price for it for years. But [Obama] was the founder, absolutely the founder.”

Read the memo below:

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