Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
November 10, 2010

While the mainstream media continues to claim that anyone who believes in a North American Union or plans for a One World Government is a delusional conspiracy theorist, it continues to push the agenda of both. Photo: Grant Neufeld.

If there is anyone out there who still reads Newsweek you might be particularly interested in picking up a copy of the October 4, 2010 edition.  While the cover story focuses on Sarah Palin and Republican women, one of the more interesting features stories is written by Joel Kotkin entitled, “The New World Order.” In this article, Kotkin argues that “Tribal Ties – Race, Ethnicity, and Religion – Are Becoming More Important Than Borders.”  The first page of the article, contains a color-coded map denoting new regions of the world not defined by contemporary governmental borders but those designated by region, race, and culture.

The rest of the article is devoted to a breakdown of the reasoning behind the new borders of which there are 19 new regional governments, 4 city states (London, Paris, Singapore, and Tel Aviv) and 6 Stand-Alone countries (Brazil, France, Greater India, Japan, South Korea, and Switzerland.)

Although attacked as a conspiracy theory for years in the mainstream media, Newsweek’s article places the United States in league with Canada as part of the “North American Alliance,” suggesting that “The U.S. and Canada are joined at the hip in terms of their economies, demographics, and culture.”

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Mexico, however, is not included in this new version of the North American Union as it is lumped in to the “Liberalistas” region alongside Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Peru. Laughably, the author claims that these states are “standard-bearers of democracy and capitalism in Latin America” and that their economies are “trying to join the ranks of the fast-growing economies.” Of course, anyone with any sense of what goes on beyond their own borders (however temporary they may be) knows that Mexico is not a standard-bearer of anything beyond absolute chaos and poverty.

Not surprisingly, Joel Kotkin, the writer of “The New World Order,” is an adjunct fellow at the Legatum Institute, an international think-tank that “researches and advocates for an expansive understanding of global prosperity.”(Legatum) It’s website states:

The Legatum Institute is unique in its philosophical commitment to human dignity, liberty, and prosperity, its market principles and business approach to addressing global challenges, its integrated understanding of development, governance, and national security, and its willingness to test and implement its findings through ‘real world’ programs. It forms an intellectual hub for the Legatum group of companies, learning from them and nurturing and protecting the core purposes of the organisation. It is a ‘think tank with teeth’ that contends for good ideas that deliver great consequences.

Couching its goals in flowery language of peace, prosperity, and freedom, the Legatum Institute is nonetheless a globalist organization. Indeed, the Legatum Institute is part of a larger organization called the Legatum Group, which is described by the Guardian as “a private global investment organization focused on investing in the international capital markets and the promotion of sustainable development.” The Guardian also compiled a list of the Big 10 of think-tanks, and Legatum Institute was solidly among them at position number six.

While the mainstream media continues to claim that anyone who believes in a North American Union or plans for a One World Government is a delusional conspiracy theorist, it continues to push the agenda of both. Although doublespeak in the media is nothing new, it is quite significant that so many outlets have begun to mention the erasure of borders and the blending of nations. There can be no doubt that it is time for the American people to wake up and realize that these plans exist and that they are moving forward at a rapid pace.

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Works Cited

Kotkin, Joel. “The New World Order: Tribal Ties – Race, Ethnicity, And Religion – Are Becoming More Important Than Borders.” Newsweek. October 4, 2010.

Kotkin, Joel.  “The New World Order.”

Legatum Institute. Home Page.

Legatum Institute. “Approach.”

“The Legatum Institute.” Accessed September 29, 2010.

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He also the author of Codex Alimentarius – The End of Health Freedom

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