University of Florida fraternity members reportedly harassed and disrespected disabled veterans at a Panama City Beach, Fla., resort last weekend, behavior that’s typically associated with the Obama administration.

The fraternity members were attending the Zeta Beta Tau spring formal at the Laketown Wharf Resort when they allegedly assaulted veterans at the nearby Warrior Beach Retreat by spitting on them, throwing beer bottles at them, and ripping flags and signs off their cars.

“These guys were getting out of control,” the founder of the Warrior Beach Retreat, Linda Cope, said to the Gainesville Sun. “I was just in tears.”

“This was supposed to be a safe place.”

She said the frat members knew they were targeting veterans.

“They knew who they were and were just getting a kick out of it,” she said. “It is heartbreaking as a mom with a son who sacrificed so much for their freedom.”

As horrible as it sounds, the frat members would fit right in at Obama’s Dept. of Veteran Affairs, which routinely disrespects veterans in every way imaginable.

Last month a VA employee was caught mocking veteran suicides by e-mailing photos of a toy elf hanging itself with Christmas lights.

“Caught in the act of suicidal behavior (trying to hang himself from an electrical cord),” the employee, Robin Paul, said about the photo.

Despite this shocking disrespect for her patients, especially when more than 22 veterans commit suicide every day, Paul remains employed at the VA with an $80,000 annual salary.

Similarly, the VA office in Philadelphia published an internal training guide which depicted veterans as Sesame Street’s cantankerous homeless bum Oscar The Grouch.

The training manual described “Grouch” veterans as “cranky” and “100% grouchy.”

“For a long time, there was a stereotype of Vietnam veterans, that they’re mentally unstable and violent, bitter, angry, resentful,” Christian DeJohn, an Army veteran who served in Bosnia, said. “I feel like this is perpetuating some of the worst stereotypes of veterans.”

The VA is even sending veterans’ medical and financial information directly to the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, giving the agencies an excuse to confiscate the veterans’ guns.

According to the Daily Caller:

“A [VA] counselor named Dr. Blair says, ‘How are you handling your finances?’,” veteran Henry Wrobel of Canton, Texas told TheDC. “I said my wife suggested, to make it a little bit easier for me, maybe use the auto-debit instead of going to the post office because it’s hard for me to drive” with injuries including two “made-up thumbs” resulting from 12 hand surgeries, a wired-on shoulder, and other ailments.

“I told him it’s working very well,” Wrobel said. The counselor “wrote down that I was unable to handle my own finances and that ‘his wife handles his finances.’ I got a letter saying that because I can’t handle my finances I’m like a felon and I can’t be around guns.”

“I had a pistol permit in Connecticut at 21, and the only things against me are one speeding ticket and two parking tickets. My constitutional rights, my dignity, means nothing to” the counselor, Wrobel said. “I have no crimes whatsoever against me, and now I’m stripped of my constitutional rights as though I’m a felon.”

And let’s not forget it was President Obama who decided to erect barricades around D.C. war memorials, which are outdoor architectural structures in public parks with no official entrance, to prevent veterans from visiting them during the 2013 government shutdown.

The disrespect the frat boys showed to the veterans follows this long-term trend set by the Obama administration.

“Once you start looking into how this country really treats military veterans, it becomes easier to understand why 22 military veterans commit suicide in America every single day,” Michael Snyder wrote. “Our vets have a higher rate of unemployment, a higher rate of poverty, a higher rate of homelessness, a higher rate of depression and a higher rate of divorce then the general population.”

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