Kurt Nimmo
September 22, 2011

The IMF and the globalist bankster cartel have implemented the next phase in their plan to impoverish the people of Greece.

Following the latest round of brutal austerity cuts to wages and pensions demanded by what Bloomberg calls “international lenders” – more accurately defined as international loan sharks – workers plan strikes that will cripple the nation’s transportation industry and close down schools.

Greek default inevitable.

In addition to attacking pensions and wages, Greece’s so-called socialist government announced it plans to layoff 30,000 state employees and cut the pay by 40 percent of civil servants as part of the effort to appease the IMF and EU central bankers. The government also plans to impose new taxes on low-income workers.

On Wednesday, the government announced cuts to pensions above 1,200 euros ($1,650) per month, a move designed to impoverish a large percentage of the Greek people.

The IMF is impressed by the program to turn Greece into another third world cesspool of misery. “The International Monetary Fund says Greece has made impressive progress. It says Greece’s European partners will stand by Athens as long as it continues to pursue sound policies,” reports the Voice of America, a long-standing CIA propaganda operation.

Despite all the posturing and the stark reality of Greek pensioners begging on the streets, it is pretty much a given that Greece will default on its $345 billion debt and the so-called contagion will spread to the rest of the eurozone and eventually the U.S.

Warnings of impending doom are issuing from all quarters.

Also on Wednesday, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty warned that the unresolved crisis in Greece will likely trigger a global banking crisis.

On Thursday, Moody’s downgraded the debt rating of the Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup, signaling that a eurozone-style debt crisis is planned for the United States.

In response, stocks and commodities went into free fall and 30-year Treasury yields dropped to a record low “amid concern central banks are running out of tools to prevent another recession,” Bloomberg reports today.

Worse case scenarios are now a dime a dozen.

“Failure to act would mean riots, bank collapses and would set back economies for a decade or more,” Douglas McWilliams, founder and chief executive of the Center for Economic and Business Research, one of Europe’s leading economics consultancies, wrote for CNN. He believes we have only a month before the floodgates open and the crisis breaks loose from its tethers.

Former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker predicted the possibility of “the Hellenic States of America” in early 2010.

The riots in Greece in response to the bankster global poverty plan will ultimately spread to the United States – and sooner before later, as the IMF and members of the elite have repeatedly warned.

“There’s going to be growing conflict between the classes and if people are unemployed and really hurting, hell, there could be even riots,” top globalist minion Zbigniew Brzezinski warned over two years ago.

“I was worrying about it because we’re going to have millions and millions of unemployed, people really facing dire straits. And we’re going to be having that for some period of time before things hopefully improve,” said Brzezinski.

Things are not designed to improve, as Brzezinski supposedly hopes. The manufactured fiat money debt crisis is the perfect tool for international banksters to impose and realize their plan for world domination through government centralization, destruction of national sovereignty and autonomy and financial consolidation.

The end game is world government run Soviet committee style by unelected bureaucrats – like those now pulling the strings behind the scenes in the EU – who answer to the bankers.

For the elite, a perfect world consists of global-wide serfdom, drastically reduced living standards, and ultimately rolling back civilization and introducing a new Dark Ages for most of the planet’s inhabitants.

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