NIH head Anthony Fauci lamented the lack of face masks at recent rallies for President Trump, arguing the administration should “set the example.”

In an interview with CBS This Morning’s Gayle King Wednesday, Fauci blasted the rallies for ignoring social distancing guidelines.

“The president continues to hold massive rallies where people are not wearing masks, including the president himself,” King said. “When you see that, what do you think? Is it frustrating to you as an expert on this?”

“Well, yes, it is,” Fauci answered. “I’ve said that often. That situation — we want to set an example because we know that when you do four or five typical kind of public health measures, masks, physical distance, avoiding crowds, making sure you do most things outdoors versus indoors, those are the kind of things that turn around surges and also prevent us from getting surges. So I certainly would like to see a universal wearing of masks.”

Of course, Fauci’s hypocritical position on masks was exposed in July when he was photographed watching the first MLB game of the season – wearing his mask on his chin.

At the same time, Fauci has all but ignored criticizing leftist BLM protests as potential “super spreader” events.

Elsewhere in the CBS interview, Fauci claimed a coronavirus vaccine would likely not be ready until after the election, contrary to timetables put forth by President Trump.

“It’s unlikely that we’ll have a definitive answer at that time,” Fauci said. “More likely, by the end of the year.”

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