Despite attempts by the mainstream media to characterize concern about the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise as “right wing paranoia,” even left-wing Gawker acknowledges that the drill is “unsettling” and that the logo for the exercise stirs an air of “creeping fascism”.

As we reported earlier today in an article which featured amongst prominent coverage of the issue on the Drudge Report, the nine state exercise, set to take place from July 15-September 15, will involve troops blending in with local communities in an effort to spur residents to report “suspicious activity”.

This infiltration exercise, along with slides for the drill which characterize Texas, Utah, and a part of southern California as “hostile territory,” prompted concerns that the mission was designed around acclimating Americans to accept a state of martial law.

While chiding Infowars as, “the New York Times of right-wing paranoia,” Gawker’s Sam Biddle admits that the exercise is somewhat disconcerting.

“You don’t need to believe in FEMA death domes or an Islamofascist White House to find Jade Helm a little bit unsettling—even if it just a routine exercise meant to simulate a future Middle Eastern war zone inside America,” he writes.

Biddle’s apprehension about the exercise is noteworthy given that Gawker slants significantly left and would normally be expected to join in with the chorus of other media outlets who have echoed Army talking points by demonizing concern about Jade Helm as alarmist paranoia.

Biddle also draws attention to the logo for the exercise – describing it as “creeping fascism copy” which “isn’t helping anything”.

Meanwhile, despite the story going viral nearly a week ago, the Dallas Morning News reports today, “We didn’t know anything about it until Gawker posted this piece earlier this afternoon.”

The article then cites “conspiracy-peddling Info Wars” and quotes our article from earlier today, before joking tongue-in-cheek, “Here’s a rabbit hole. Duck.”

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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