A young rap fan refused to bad-mouth President Donald Trump after being invited on stage by a rapper, in footage that went viral over the weekend.

During a performance, rapper YG called for a fan from the crowd to join him on stage to sing the hook from his song “FDT (F**k Donald Trump)”.

“Hold on, I don’t know if I want to shake your hand,” YG told the young fan, who he’d hand-selected from the crowd.

“Hey listen, I spotted you outta the crowd, I asked you if you f**ked with Donald Trump, you said you don’t know. So, since you don’t know, I need you to make up your mind tonight,” YG tells the fan.

“I need you to state your name and get out a ‘fuck Donald Trump,” YG says, which the fan refuses to do by shaking his head.

YG then proceeds to kick the insubordinate man off stage as the crowd goes wild.

Despite YG’s recent bout of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the president was actually revered by hip-hop artists prior to his run for president, and was frequently referenced in rap songs due to his notoriety as a billionaire playboy.

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