A.M. Freyed

May 7, 2012

Take a deep breath. Can you smell the blood?

The global elite is opportunistically supporting a new nation in Sub-Sarah Africa.

Actually, the French and European Union are said to be against the new country that will basically take the place of parts of Mali and surrounding countries – aimed like a dagger at the heart of Libya and the Arab world generally.

But in 1998, the United Nations recognized the Berbers as legitimate aspirants to control of the Maghreb, which provides the proximate cause for this new nationalism.

The same powers that control the UN are said to be against this new nation. A load of evident hooey!

Always the same strategy: Divide and conquer … and hide your tracks in the meantime.

The global elites that seem bent on ruling the world seek chaos … and this new, vast country, a portion of the ancient Maghreb, will provide plenty as it grows.

Surely, no coincidence it’s emerging now!

When it comes to war and politics, little “they” do is coincidental. This new country pushes up out of legitimate, ancient grievances, but it will doubtless be used to further the global governance the elites seek.

The idea is surely (among other things) to control furious Arab tribes of Libya who want nothing to do with the recent phony war, and the equally phony peace swirling round Libya since it was decided Muammar Gaddafi had to go.

Shades of old-fashioned colonialism, this shows just how desperate the powers-that-be have grown in the past decade. Certainly, it would seem they are turning once again to colonial divide and conquer tools of past centuries even though the modern dialectic has demonized those strategies for decades.

What Is the Forming Nation?

The nascent nation is one stretching across parts of Mali, Niger, Algeria and southwest Libya – and occupied by the indigenous people of the area who are neither Arab nor African but may have Mediterranean roots.

They are called Berbers and the subset in question is the blue-dyed, warlike Taureg people that have fought the elites on and off with the same intensity as the Pashtuns in Afghanistan.

The blog-site “Taureg Culture and News” tells us:

The Tuareg people are Berber-speakers who trace their ancestry to the indigenous peoples of North Africa in ancient times … The Tuaregs are not Arabs, and they do not descend from Arabs. Although they adopted some Arab customs in connection with herding practices,

Tuareg social traditions are very different from those of Arabs, and they do not claim any affinity with Arabs. They identify themselves as Berber-speakers …

Tuaregs, like other Saharien peoples, including the indigenous African peoples who formed the basis of ancient Egyptian society, describe themselves as “the red people,” in contrast to other Africans who are “white” or “black.” The ancient ancestors of the Tuaregs lived west of the Nile Delta; they traded with the Egyptians, and several of their leaders ruled pharaonic Egypt for over 200 years.

The Tuareg homeland today is in the Central Sahara, where they have lived for several thousand years since their ancestors began migrating from the northern Sahara following colonization of coastal North Africa by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Arabs.

In the modern era of globalist conspiracy, European armies using guns against ritualistic swords subdued the Tuaregs and their tribal life has been an increasing misery ever since.

Thousands of Tuaregs died in the 1970s and 1980s, victims of sub-Saharan drought and general economic encroachment that made their nomadic lifestyle – depending in part on herding cattle – evermore precarious.

Now it is the Tauregs turn to have their nation. The proximate justification resides in the UN’s enabling act in the late 1990s recognizing the larger Berber peoples as legitimate claimants of the northern African Maghreb that spans Tunisia, Libya, Niger and Algeria.

Arabic-oriented Algeria alone constitutes the tenth largest land mass in the world – and its political system and economy is no more stable than any other in the area. Thus, the establishment of the Taureg nation shall have a destabilizing on the entire northern plane of Africa.

This is nation-building on a massive scale – taking advantage of legitimate aspirations to advance chaos over the northern half of one of the largest continents in the world.

Do “they” care? As the Internet alternately exposes and destroys their plans, the global elite (with its western base) grows more rash and arrogant.

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Weary Africa is increasingly likely to be the scene of increasing bloodshed.

The elites, using the legitimate aspirations of the Taureg Berbers, may be lighting a fuse that will drench the upper half of the continent in death for decades to come.

New State Regnant

While the bought-and-paid-for Western press has studiously avoided mentioning this enormous birthing process, the regional publication Right News recently reported on the emergent country in an article entitled “Azawad, the New Nation.”

It is not an article you would ordinarily discover on the Internet merely by browsing – unless you knew about it in advance. We were tipped by a young, perambulating Libyan – one who’d fled his country on the advice of his father and has been traveling ever since.

“Now is not a good time to return to Libya,” he told us. “The Americans and their Qatar and al Qaeda surrogates are in charge, but they know in the end that Libya will prove impossible to control. This is a reason for Azawad.”

Here’s some more from the Right News article (which uses an alternative Taureg spelling):

On April 6th of this year, a coalition dominated by the Touareg, a so-called “Berber” people of North Africa–took control of Timbuktu and other major towns and declared independence for Azawad in the northern part of Mali, a huge area double the size of California. Oh yes, like South Sudan’s Abyei border area, it too has oil…

There has been nothing but hostility towards the Touareg since their move to independence. Besides threats coming from the black Africans in the south of Mali from whom they broke away, the French and the European Union are upset as well.

Having long been neglected and mistreated, when the Touareg dared to ask for the same independence that black Africans and Arabs in the region were at long last achieving, over a half century ago the French denied them this right and forced them to be tied to the south instead.

To summarize …

We don’t have to believe the spin that the French and the Eurocrats are “upset” with the Berber/Tauregs. Taureg nationalist aspirations have been ground down for a centuries. Suddenly, the “Knights of the Sahara” are forming their own nation?

And this is simply coincidence?

The article, despite what might be considered a fundamental misreading, does make insightful points:

“For Arabs in neighboring North African states, [Azawad] establishes a real nightmarish precedent. … With France’s cooperation, the Arabs of the Maghreb were able to proclaim the entire area as solely part of their own alleged greater purely Arab patrimony … Now that Azawad has become a reality, it is clear that North Africa can no longer (simply) be ‘Al-Arabi,’ as it now includes a state that is geographically and culturally part of the Maghreb but declares itself Berber. That is a situation that is unacceptable to Arab countries.”

They are doing it again!

They are doing it on purpose.

Having busily destabilized secular Arab nation-states to build an “Islamic crescent arc” that provides additional fodder for an East/West religious war, the elites are now actively fomenting a kind of pan-African war.

Or at least the makings of one … a ring of tension and military activity.

Another one has to do with China and Russia (perhaps the BRICS generally).

Orwell had it right? Perhaps, he may have worked for them.

“They” are careful for some reason to forecast their plans decades ahead of time. Perhaps to inculcate the notion that what occurs is both implacable and inevitable. But the Internet itself has thrown a proverbial monkey wrench into their plans.

That doesn’t mean they’ve stopped trying. Woe, again, is Africa, the scene of so many dark crimes and deliberate starvation.

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