June 28, 2011

National Councilor Dominique Baettig has taken a further step in seeking transparency regarding this years Bilderberg Conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland and the participation of Swiss representatives. At this years autumn session of parliament he will demand the establishing of a Parliamentary Investigation Commission to inquire on this undemocratic event on Swiss soil and its aftermath. WeAreChange exclusively provides the precursory contents of the petition in english:

I request the establishment of a Parliamentary Investigation Commission with the purpose of inquiring on the following matters:

-Why were certain attendees of the Bilderberg Conference in St. Moritz from June 8.- 13., which are wanted by international courts, such as Henry Kissinger, not arrested and handed over?

-Why did the prosecutors of the Canton of Grison not have access to a list of participants to check for wanted Individuals, although they were known to the Federal Council and the security staff?

-Why were no Swiss citizens, neither attendees nor organizers of the Bilderberg Conference in St. Moritz 2011, among them foremost members of the executive and legislative of state and cantons, arrested or charged, one the grounds of breaches with article 266, 266 bis and 267 of the Swiss Criminal Code (StGB), despite the fact, that authorities in charge were explicitly informed beforehand.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • {openx:49}

-What are the details of the costs, including security, communication and representation etc. to the burden of the unknowing taxpayers of Switzerland and in particular of the Canton of Grison?

-Why was Daniel Vasella able to provide his helicopter to the police forces, and what is the sum of this corruption?

-Why was a zone of legal immunity established in St. Moritz, where fundamental rights were violated and various felonies committed by Bilderberg participants were tolerated, such as covering up of license plates on public roads?

-Why did limousines of Biderbergers and police vehicles block privatecar drivers?

-Why were Swiss citizens and foreign guests unconstitutionally forced off public property in St. Moritz? Why were access roads blocked, vehicles and bags randomly and illegally searched?

-Why were Bilderberg opponents and correspondents followed by member of foreign secret police and secret services in cars with foreign license plates?

-Why did private security personal, of the private security service Securitas or people in civilian cloth, consist of foreigners, as recognized by their language skills, and why did the FedPol and the police of the canton of Grison collaborate with these individuals?

-How is the damage to the reputation of Switzerland to be assessed, as its neutrality, its sovereignty and credibility were damaged severally by conference participants, which conspired against the interests and the spirit of Switzerland?

-As the Federal Council has consented to the participation of representatives of nations at war, i.e. NATO states, the danger of future repressions against Swiss citizens persists. Who will be held accountable in case of occurring damage?

-Who will be held accountable for the assault on the member of European Parliament, and former Italian state official and secretary of state of justice, Mario Borghezio, how was insulted, abused, injured, arrested and subsequently expelled from the canton of Grison, which represents a clear violation of the constitution?

-Further arising questions and bodies of evidence will be provided to the Parliamentary Investigation Commission.

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