NHS demands GPs monitor potential extremists

Paul Joseph Watson
March 10, 2014

Doctors in Britain are being forced to become state snitches and spot “radical” patients under an NHS initiative that threatens to cut funding if a GP practice fails to take part in the program.

Under the new NHS England policy, every GP practice must send a member of staff on the “Prevent” counter terrorism course, during which they are trained to detect patients who are ” vulnerable to radicalization,” before notifying authorities.

In addition to the “lead” staff member who takes the course, all employees of the practice must be made aware of the strategy.

Labeling the program “mindless bureaucracy,” former GPC chair Dr Laurence Buckman said, “It is so silly and ridiculous that I can’t believe NHS England are requiring this or making CCGs responsible for it.”

Other doctors raised the issue that forcing GPs to become informants for the state by demanding they monitor “radicalization” of patients would be a clear breach of patient-doctor confidentiality.

“It is completely disproportionate and a poor use of GP resources and time. It is effectively asking GPs to be a government intelligence agency,” Dr Maureen Baker, chairwoman of the Royal College of General Practitioners, told the Express.

As we have highlighted, British authorities have cited the need to combat radical political beliefs as a justification for invasive and chilling state interference in the private lives of citizens.

Last week, the Mayor of London Boris Johnson said that parents who teach their children to be “full of hate” should be targeted by social services, with Johnson suggesting that children whose parents are supporters of the British National Party, a right-wing organization that vehemently opposes immigration, may be taken into care in “extreme” circumstances.

However, children are already being taken from parents in much less “extreme” circumstances, such as in the case of a couple who had their foster children removed by the state because they were members of the UK Independence Party, the third largest political party in Britain.

Meanwhile, Scotland recently passed a law that designates a state minder to every child in the country up to the age of 18, a move described by the Christian Institute as a, “dreadful extension of the state’s tentacles into family life.”

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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