California Democrats seated with their delegation at the Democratic National Convention altered signs to say “Liar” instead of “Hillary” Thursday ahead of the former First Lady’s speech.

Photos from the DNC show multiple Bernie supporters holding up signs with blacked out letters used to form the word “Liar.”

Pro-Bernie delegates wore yellow shirts Thursday after DNC efforts to suppress anti-war protesters by blacking out sections of lighting which would have shone on them.

The yellow shirts glowed and stood out prominently when lights went out during the event.

Other Bernie supporters also wore shirts with #DNCleaks stamped on them, in an effort to call attention to a trove of leaked documents released last week by Wikileaks showing clear favoritism for Hillary on the part of the DNC.

The “liar” signs are more evidence the Democrat party is not unified but instead coming apart at the seams, despite DNC efforts to put its best face forward.

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