Democrats are waging a war on due process, the rule of law, and the principle of legal rights going back to the Magna Carta.

Clause 39 of the Magna Carta issued by John of England in 1215 declares: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.”

For Democrats in the House and Senate, lawful judgment is no longer relevant. In their zeal to outlaw firearms and demolish the Second Amendment, Democrats and their progressive fellow travelers are striving to dismantle laws and legal proceedings for Americans included on secret lists compiled and held by the state. This represents the very essence of a police state.

“The Democrats demand that Americans be stripped of their Second Amendment rights with no attention paid to the Fifth Amendment, to due process,” writes Kevin Williamson. “They propose that Americans be stripped of their legal protections under the Bill of Rights even when they have not been charged with, much less convicted of, a crime. They propose that this be done on the basis of a series of secret government lists, whose contents, criteria, and keepers are treated as state secrets.”

Orwellian Potential Terrorists

Democrats now demand “potential terrorists” be stripped of their rights. Bernie Sanders has joined Senator Dianne Feinstein and the Democrat leadership and echoes their call for further authoritarian action:

According to the Obama administration, the nation faces a terror threat perpetuated by “individuals motivated by anti-government animus.” Muslims do not figure prominently in the government’s terror equation.

“Justice officials have indicated that home-grown ‘right wingers’ are possibly more numerous and dangerous than the jihadists,” Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin said in October during an event co-sponsored by the George Washington University’s program on extremism and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Carlin said the Justice Department’s recently formed “domestic terrorism counsel” will “analyze legal gaps that need to be closed.”

Gun Laws Target Government’s Political Enemies

“I’m sure it’s gun laws,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, in response to Carlin’s remarks. He noted the Justice Department has teamed up with the Southern Poverty Law Center to “go after” the Obama administration’s political enemies while downplaying the threat of Islamic terrorism.

In February, the Department of Homeland Security released an intelligence assessment focused on the supposed domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups, a threat the government insists overshadows jihadi and Islamic State terrorism. The assessment followed a DHS report leaked to the alternative media in 2009 that targeted veterans as a domestic terror threat.

The DHS report said local law enforcement’s primary concern should be the high volume of gun and ammunition purchases. The document equates Americans who stockpile ammunition to “rightwing terrorists.” Moreover, stockpiling (merely purchasing) ammunition is an indication of involvement in “paramilitary training exercises” and potential terrorist activity, according to the government.

It is uncertain how many “right-wing extremists” are included on the government’s secret terror watch lists, but considering Carlin’s remarks in October and the formation of “domestic terrorism counsel” focused on demonizing the political enemies of the state, we can assume more than a few are.

“Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner?” asks Michael Snyder. “If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a ‘potential terrorist’ according to official U.S. government documents… We are moving into a very dangerous time in American history. You can now be considered a ‘potential terrorist’ just because of your religious or political beliefs. Free speech is becoming a thing of the past, and we are rapidly becoming an Orwellian society that is the exact opposite of what our founding fathers intended.”

Due process is also rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Government invariably targets its political enemies. Islamic terrorism does not pose a serious political threat to the elite. In fact, it can be argued much what now passes for Islamic terrorism is a creation of the state, a tool used—as we have witnessed since September 11, 2001—to destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The real target—the target that must be disarmed and stripped of legal protection—is the American people.

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