Kurt Nimmo
October 3, 2011

Despite the sincerity of most Occupy Wall Street protesters and their desire to close down Wall Street and even the Federal Reserve, the movement is quickly becoming a catch-all for socialists and large unions determined to tax millionaires out of existence.

On Sunday, Crain’s wrote that the “ragtag collection of no-name protesters” will be joined this week by “experienced agitators” and a coalition of labor and community groups. The United Federation of Teachers, SEIU, Workers United, Transport Workers Union Local 100 and the Communications Workers of America are all expected to exploit Occupy Wall Street this week to push their agenda.

In 2009, SEIU thugs beat a Tea Party activist in St. Louis. SEIU president Andy Stern was appointed to Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

Unions are working to direct the energy of the anti-banker protests into their leftist agenda. “The challenge is, how do you transfer protest into power?” asked Robert Master, legislative and political director of the Communications Workers of America and a co-chair of the Working Families Party. “At the end of the day, you have to figure out a way to take this energy and turn it into legislation that really changes people’s lives.”

The Working Families Party is an ACORN front. ACORN enthusiastically supported the election of Obama, although this is supposedly not allowed under its non-profit 501(c)(3) tax status.

In addition to establishment unions, self-described progressive community groups and other foundation dependent organizations plan to exploit Occupy Wall Street’s momentum. In addition to Make the Road New York, the Coalition for the Homeless, the Alliance for Quality Education, Community Voices Heard, United New York and Strong Economy For All, Paul Joseph Watson reports today that the Soros funded group MoveOn.org plans to attend the demonstrations.

MoveOn.org endorsed Obama in 2008. It fundraised and organized for his campaign “and has become perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies in 2009, apart from Obama’s own Organizing for America,” according to SourceWatch. It teamed up with the unions SEIU and AFSCME to pressure Republicans to vote for Obama’s pro-Wall Street policies. It spent $30 million during the 2008 election cycle to get establishment Democrats elected.

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Most of the so-called community groups listed above support the Millionaire’s Tax, an idea cooked up by the Obama administration after Warren Buffett declared the rich do not pay enough taxes and urged the government to steal more money from millionaires. As I noted yesterday, such taxation schemes invariably “trickle down” to the middle and working classes and usually result in unemployment as businesses either cut back or close down.

After the foundation funded and Democrat supported unions and so-called community groups dilute or takeover the Occupy Wall Street movement, calls for reforming Wall Street and eliminating the Federal Reserve – at present a minority voice in the movement – will be overwhelmed by the same old “progressive” Democrat agenda.

Like the Libertarians behind the original Tea Party movement, the Occupy Wall Street activists who sincerely demand change on Wall Street and in the dominant financial sector will be driven from the movement and replaced by socialist apparatchiks and Democrats funded by Soros and establishment foundations.

Unions and progressives have no intention of reforming Wall Street, as a quick glance at the Obama administration dominated by Goldman Sachs, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission reveals what the Democrat version of “change” is all about.

Michael Moore admitted that “far left” socialists and Democrats are working to eliminate capitalism and turn America into another third-world cesspool. Not surprisingly, he said ending the Federal Reserve is irrelevant.

Of course he would say that. Moore is a tool of the bankers who will now work tirelessly behind the scenes to dilute the OWS movement and turn it into another irrelevancy and circus sideshow demanding implementation of the same old tired socialist palliatives that only allow the global elite to centralize and consolidate their grip on humanity.

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