As news broke of President Trump preparing to declare a national emergency to open up funding for border security, one Democrat immediately vowed to derail the move before it has even begun, calling it ‘fake’.

Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro, who has repeatedly called for Trump to be impeached, vowed to “terminate” the declaration through a joint resolution in the House, saying that he does not believe Trump has the legal authority to go ahead.

“I don’t think that it’s a national emergency. I think this would be a fake emergency.” Castro told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer:

Castro also took to Twitter to spread the ‘fake emergency’ term and declare his intentions to derail it:

Other Democrats jumped on the bandwagon.

“I am prepared, if the president does declare a national emergency to build his border wall, to file a joint resolution under the National Emergencies Act that would essentially terminate his declaration,” Castro noted.

Castro, whose twin brother Julian Castro, is running for President in the 2020 election, also said that Congress should challenge Trump’s declaration.

“We would have a vote either on my resolution or somebody else’s on the House floor, and it is my understanding that that resolution would have to be voted upon in the Senate,” Castro said.

“And there have been very critical comments that have been made by senators, including Republican senators, about the president’s ability and the wisdom of declaring a national emergency for this purpose.” the Congressman added.

“We’ll challenge him in Congress, we’ll challenge him in the courts, and I think the American people will challenge the president,” Castro said.

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