Kurt Nimmo
May 16, 2013

Photo: Timothy Tsui.

In a frontal assault against the Bill of Rights, the District of Columbia is moving to force firearms owners to purchase prohibitively expensive liability insurance.

California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania have also proposed forcing gun owners to buy liability insurance.

Democrat City Council member Mary Cheh proposed the law. It requires residents purchase at least $250,000 in insurance coverage before city government would consider applications to register a firearm.

If passed, the law will be the first in the country and serve as a precedent for Democrats and gun-grabbers working to dismantle the Second Amendment.

No such insurance policy currently exists, according to the Washington Times. “We oppose proposals that would mandate gun liability insurance as property-casualty insurance does not and cannot cover intentional criminal behavior,” said Willem O. Rijksen, vice president of public affairs for the American Insurance Association.

Not purchasing insurance or allowing a policy to lapse would result in a loss of Second Amendment rights in the District. The legislation would be retroactive and current gun owners would be mandated to purchase insurance within 30 days.

“Conjuring new gun control schemes and further taxing law-abiding residents exercising a constitutional right will not result in a reduction of violent crime in the District. Ensuring that criminals are arrested, prosecuted and punished will,” Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the NRA, told the newspaper. “Regrettably, D.C. leaders are focused more on pushing their political and social agendas than on working to keep their residents safe.”

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