“Cultural journalist” Kristina Lindquist says that Sweden is so xenophobic, it doesn’t even deserve to celebrate its own national day and that “nationalism should be wiped out.”

“As if I would have a Swedish flag,” chided Lindquist during an appearance on SVT Gomorron Sweden.

“We live in Europe. Look at the European 20th century and what nationalism has done and what went on in the path of nationalism. Nationalism is a dangerous purity ideology that we should destroy,” said Lindquist, presumably unaware that the Nazis were National Socialists.

She then went on to make the bizarre claim that “All political party leaders” in Sweden are “supernationalist” because they “stand in front of Swedish flags.”

Lindquist also said that country shouldn’t have pride in itself so long as it continues to deport illegal aliens.

“You must be able to have a discussion about what nationalism means, and how incredibly destructive it is,” she said, adding, “I do not intend to celebrate such a country.”

Lindquist’s comments underscore how leftists will smear even the most supposedly “progressive” and open border country as xenophobic and lecture its citizens that they should be ashamed of themselves.

In reality of course, Sweden’s rabid multiculturalism has led to entire areas of major cities becoming no-go zone Islamic ghettos where non-Muslims are attacked.

A new study recently found that 90% of shootings in Sweden are committed by migrants.

Earlier this year, veteran Swedish police officer Peter Springare blew the whistle on how in almost every violent crime he dealt with, the perpetrator had an Islamic name.

Another study conducted by the Swedish National Board of Medicines found that three out of four so-called child “refugees” are actually adults.

As the videos below document, multiculturalism has been a total failure in Sweden and thanks to Islamophiles like Lindquist, the country is the laughingstock of Europe.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

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