Conservative Political Action Conference and American Israel Public Affairs Committee attendees may have spread the coronavirus to members of congress and even the President of the United States.

Schlapp retweeted this at Michelle Malkin:

AIPAC attendees, which included some two-thirds of congress, were also exposed to several virus spreaders:

Israel last week ordered everyone who attended AIPAC to be quarantined if they returned to Israel but the US said they were free to go wherever they please:

Trump, who ran on closed borders and America First, left our borders open to keep the economy and stock market humming.

Had he immediately used his travel ban to shut down all travelers from China, we would likely have been a lot more protected.

Compare these two charts:

You should have closed the borders, Mr President.

Bad things happen when you embrace “GDP First” (inter)nationalism!

Alex Jones thoroughly dissects the coronavirus outbreak, from its man-made origins to its global economic implications based on hard scientific data and intel from the top experts in virology, bioweapons, and international law.

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