After a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit produced yet more e-mails this week from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — indicating that she had even more classified information transmitted on her unsecure and non-government server — calls are being raised for Clinton to face criminal consequences. Clinton previously escaped any criminal sanctions in July 2016 when then-FBI Director James Comey announced he would not seek any such sanctions.

But now that Comey is no longer in a position to save her from criminal liability, these newly discovered e-mails have led to speculation that she could face a new — and real — investigation.

Judicial Watch released 37 pages of new Clinton emails that had been found by the FBI after the FOIA request. Also found were text messages used by Clinton to conduct government business, which is also illegal.

The State Department told a federal court in November of last year that the FBI had found these previously undisclosed e-mails. The State Department had claimed in 2018 that all of Clinton’s e-mails had been disclosed, but that was evidently not true. The Justice Department has told the court that they are unable to explain either how the additional e-mails were discovered, or where they were found.

The e-mails were messages sent or received by Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state in her official capacity. Included in the new e-mail batch was a classified and redacted e-mail to Clinton from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Other messages also contained highly sensitive classified information. Among the e-mails was a message from April 2012 on the election campaign in Egypt and some information about the Muslim Brotherhood. Clinton received this information from Sidney Blumenthal through her then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan. Blumenthal said he had “sources with access to the highest levels of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, and Western intelligence and security services.”

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Joel Skousen joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the plans for Hillary Clinton to re-insert herself into the 2020 presidential race.

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