June 2, 2010

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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Question: What do the Canadian Mounted Police have to do with the University of New Hampshire Police Department and the New Hampshire State Police? Well, they believe it is necessary to conduct “training sessions” together.

The following is from the Media Relations section of the University of New Hampshire website. It is entitled “Don’t be alarmed. Training Underway.” Are citizens even alarmed anymore? It seems the cops, Homeland Security, Northcom, etc., hold these sort of events on a regular enough basis now that the public is more or less inured.

DURHAM, N.H. – The UNH Police Department, in cooperation with N.H. State Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, will be conducting an all-day training session today throughout campus using K-9 teams to practice searching for missing people in an urban environment.

I am still not clear what this has to do with the Canadians. Is there something they can learn from the Americans about missing people in urban environments?

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