California hired an illegal alien to head up a state office, stepping up its defiance of federal immigration laws.

On Wednesday, the state’s Senate Rules Committee appointed Mexican attorney Lizbeth Mateo, 33, to head the California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project Grant Advisory Committee.

“The committee advises the California Student Aid Commission on efforts to increase college access for California students from low-income or underserved communities,” reports the Sacramento Bee.

Mateo, who was brought to the US at age 14 by her illegal alien parents, says illegals need better representation.

“While undocumented students have become more visible in our state, they remain underrepresented in places where decisions that affect them are being made,” Mateo said, sending out a tweet with the hashtag #undocumentedunafraid.

Senate President pro Tem Kevin de Leon commented Mateo’s appointment was a nice juxtaposition to President Trump’s “fixation on walls.”

The appointment was widely seen as a response to the Trump administration and comes one day after President Trump visited border wall prototypes in San Diego.

The president criticized the state’s sanctuary city policies and Governor Jerry Brown during the trip to California Tuesday.

“Governor Brown does a very poor job running California,” he said. “They have the highest taxes in the United States. The place is totally out of control. You have ‘sanctuary cities’ where you have criminals living in the sanctuary cities.”

“California sanctuary policies put the entire nation at risk,” he said. “They’re the best friend of the criminal.”

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