A lawmaker in California is pushing for schools to mandate lessons that teach students about Russia’s alleged “hacking” of the 2016 presidential election.

Democrat Assemblyman Marc Levine appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to argue for the state board to incorporate the lessons into new history and social studies classes.

“We need to understand Russian interference in the 2016 election and its impacts on foreign policy,” argued Levine, claiming that the importance of the matter was on a par with the War of 1812, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Marshall Plan.

“These are moments in history that help us really understand where American leadership has come from,” he claimed.

Carlson shot back by pointing out that no one even really knows the full extent of Russian “hacking,” so to include it in history classes would be injecting political propaganda into school lessons.

“The War of 1812 was 200 years ago, the Marshall Plan was 70 years ago, we have an advantage. We sort of get it now. We have perspective,” he said. “We have no perspective on what happened (in 2016), and basically what you’re suggesting is adding propaganda from a politician into text books, and why should I be in favor of that?”

“Usually the winners write the history books and we need to make sure the truth is in our history books and it’s not papered over by the president,” responded Levine.

“No, what you’re doing is trying to get losers to write the history books,” Carlson fired back. “I just want the historians to write the history books.”

Carlson went on to accuse Levine of pushing for the introduction of “political propaganda into text books,” noting that there was nothing to substantiate claims of Russian hacking.

No serious evidence has been presented to validate claims that Russia “hacked” the election. During his testimony in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee in January, National Intelligence Director James Clapper admitted that the supposed hacking “did not change any vote tallies” and the “intelligence community can’t gauge the impact it had on the choices the electorate made”.

Levine’s push to inject propaganda about Russian hacking into school lessons follows a bill introduced by California state Sen. Bill Todd to teach students how to differentiate between real news and “fake news”.

A study conducted by researchers at Stanford and New York University found that so-called fake news did not have an impact on the outcome of the presidential election.

“Our data suggest that social media were not the most important source of election news and even the most widely circulated news stories were seen by only a small fraction of Americans,” lead researchers Hunt Allcott and Matthew Gentzkow wrote.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

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