Rob Dew
June 22, 2010


While Jason Douglass and I were in Chicago we saw this sign at a BP depot on the train line. This “Think Safety” policy does not seem to transfer to the Gulf oil cleanup where we are seeing reports of BP abstaining from basic welfare for the cleanup workforce. Here are two excerpts from articles on BP’s safety philosophy in the Gulf oil spill cleanup.

“According to Michaels, “BP has not addressed many of the serious problems in a systematic way” and these issues “appear to be indicative of a general systemic failure on BP’s part, to ensure the safety and health of those responding to this disaster.”

While observing work sites throughout the region, Michaels said that OSHA representatives identified insufficient site control practices; heat stress exposure risks; inadequate plans for inclement weather; roadblocks to obtaining BP’s health and safety information or data; and inadequate BP management of workplace safety issues.

“These are third party contractors paid by BP to do safety monitoring. They are reporting what BP tells them to do,” he said. “The same thing happened with the Exxon Valdez.”

Other residents of the bayou also report problems with the fishermen who are now contracted by BP to do oil cleanup work but are told not to talk publicly about it. Venice, LA, resident Kindra Arnesen says she spoke to a fisherman today whose sinuses were burning from doing oil clean up far out at sea in the thick of the oil.

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“He went out and purchased his own respirator and he was told if he wears the respirator his charter (boat) would be terminated. BP is telling them not to wear them. People here are scared to talk about it because they don’t want to lose their jobs.”

It is a travesty that the local governments of Louisiana have not learned from the lessons of Katrina. The federal government will not help, the corporations will not help. You must pick yourself up by your dock-boots and clean this up yourselves. Send BP and the federal government the bill and if they don’t pay sue ’em then don’t let BP do business in Louisiana. Don’t let your governor Bobby Jindal talk to you like your third graders make him act on your behalf and not use this crisis for some pathetic political gain. BP said they will provide money for legal claims, hold em to it. Force them to stop using chemical dispersants that are at least 4X’s more toxic that the oil it is dispersing.

These planes take off from somewhere on the land, ground the planes. There are plenty of natural remedies that have been used for years. You may not be able to cleanup the gulf but you can cleanup your shorelines and estuaries.

Finally please watch this video prepared by Alex Jones and take action. Lets hold these people accountable.

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