Former President Bill Clinton stated during an interview with CBS Monday that Hillary has collapsed several times in the past after becoming dehydrated.

Speaking with CBS This Morning co-host Charlie Rose, Bill asserted that Hillary has had similar episodes “on more than one occasion.”

“Rarely, on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing’s happened to her when she got severely dehydrated,” Bill said.

After Hillary was filmed collapsing outside a 9/11 memorial in New York City Sunday, questions have once again emerged concerning whether the Democratic nominee is fit to serve. The Clinton campaign stated shortly after that the candidate had been diagnosed with pneumonia just 2 days prior.

Bill continued by saying Hillary was “fine” and that she had quickly recovered from the medical episode.

“She’s doing fine. She was even better last night before she went to sleep,” Bill said. “She had a good night’s sleep. She just got dehydrated yesterday.”

Rose pushed back by arguing that the video appeared to show an incident potentially more serious than mere dehydration.

“Is that what happened? She just got dehydrated,” Rose said. “Because when you look at that collapse, that video that was taken, you wonder if it’s not more serious than dehydration.”

“If it is,” Bill stated, “then it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors.”

Clinton later confirmed that she had indeed fallen previously during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper but claimed she could only recall it happening twice.

Despite the best attempts of the Clinton campaign to clamp down on speculation, Americans are becoming increasingly concerned that Hillary’s health is worse than being reported.

Hillary’s latest health episode follows the highly-publicized Labor Day coughing fit in which the candidate struggled to speak for nearly four minutes.

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