In response to the news that she used a private email account and a private server as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, the party’s probable presidential nominee, claimed to have “fully complied with every rule [she] was governed by.”

America is no stranger to a Clinton claiming innocence, but in this case there is a pesky State Department form that just may settle the matter once and for all.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly reported Wednesday that departing State Department employees — see Hillary Clinton — must sign an OF-109 form.

By signing the document, employees are certifying that they’ve “surrendered to responsible officials all unclassified documents and papers relating to the official business of the Government acquired by [the employee] while in the employ of the Department or USIA.”

So did Clinton sign the form, even as she held thousands of documents on her private server? And deleted thousands more?

And did she violate the law in doing so?

Fox News reported the State Department records management handbook warns: “Fines, imprisonment or both may be imposed for the willful and unlawful removal or destruction of records as stated in the U.S. Criminal Code.”

Kelly has contacted the State Department to find out if Clinton signed the required form — stay tuned, as plenty rides on the answer to that question.

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