Uber Driver Claims CHAZ Border Guards Pointed Pistols At His Head
‘Just get the f*ck out of here.’
‘Just get the f*ck out of here.’
Why do these leftist vandals hate abolitionists and The Beatles?
Disney rides are racist and all television shows featuring police must be canceled!
‘If he actually goes to prison, if he’s not pardoned, we’re all in big trouble.’
Why are liberals so terrified of data countering their narratives?
Kente cloth donned by top Democrats once worn by slave-trading Ashanti royalty.
This is why establishment media has lost the public’s trust.
Are the attacks related to the BLM protests and riots?
‘I had to shoot somebody, they were trying to jack my car.’
‘Don’t you dare tell me my skin color makes me a victim.’
Liberal activist charged with attempted murder and assault.
‘There’s always an angle, someone’s always getting more powerful.’
An Antifa flag proudly waves in the background as an officer is spray painted in the face.
Elon Musk responds by saying it’s time to “break up Amazon.”
Recruitment process, combat training and international connections revealed.
Heavily-armed citizens keep protest from getting out of hand.
‘I am still dazed. I have headaches that haven’t gone away.’
‘My momma can’t get her medicine.’
Who is mobilizing these individuals?
‘Is this shit even about George Floyd anymore?’