Social media users accused Congresswoman Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) of virtue signaling after photos surfaced from last year showing her pouting outside a migrant detention facility in Texas.

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Photographer Ivan Pierre Aguirre posted the photos to Twitter Monday, which he claimed showed the then-unknown Cortez taking “time away from her campaign” to protest the tent city in Tornillo, Texas.

AOC retweeted the images claiming they captured the moment she witnessed the “America I love was becoming a nation that steals refugee children from their parents & caged them.”

Many immediately slammed the images for being staged photo ops, while others asked why they highlighted Cortez rather than the children she was supposedly there to defend.

The images also sparked a few memes.

At one point Pierre Aguirre was forced to respond to criticism over the photos’ lack of children, saying they were there despite not being photographed.

The photos come off the heels of remarks from Cortez comparing illegal immigrant detention centers in the US to Nazi-era concentration/death camps.

The timing of the photos is also notable given the current liberal outcry over poor conditions at detention facilities overwhelmed by illegals across the country.


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