Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Announcing the Birth Of The Real Coffee Party 090310top2

Editor’s note: Check out the Real Coffee Party website. New and updated content coming soon.

In response to the brazen effort on behalf of Republicans and neo-conservatives to hijack the Tea Party, as well as the establishment’s attempt to promote the Obama front “Coffee Party” as a fraudulent alternative, we are announcing the creation of The Real Coffee Party, an organization committed not to partisan bickering, but to the basic principles outlined in the Constitution.

As we have constantly highlighted, the Tea Party began as an evolution of the End the Fed protests, which were founded and run by Ron Paul supporters in the latter half of 2007.

The original principles of the Tea Party were to provide an alternative to both the Republicans and Democrats, by emphasizing the need to abolish the Federal Reserve, reduce the size of government, lower taxes, and withdraw from unnecessary and unconstitutional foreign wars.

The Tea Party has since been hijacked and infiltrated by the likes of Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, establishment Republicans and neo-conservatives as an avenue through which to reclaim partisan political power. This self-evident transformation has allowed the establishment liberal media to demonize the Tea Party movement as nothing more than an attack dog of the right-wing.

In addition, the portrayal on behalf of the media of the Tea Party movement as an angry mob of extremists and racists has created a vacuum which has been dutifully filled by the arrival of the “reasonable,” “moderate” and “civil” Coffee Party movement, which in fact represents nothing more than a regurgitation of the top-down Obamanoid astroturfers aided by the recruitment of naive liberals and disenfranchised minority groups completely deceived as to the fact that they are being conned once again.

The so-called Coffee Party movement is a contrived creation of the establishment itself, headed up as it is by a former Obama campaign operative whose stated goal for the Coffee Party is to “re-engage the grassroots movement that got Obama elected,” never mind the fact that the grassroots has been completely abandoned by Obama as he pursues and intensifies the same policies we saw under Bush – more foreign wars and illegal occupations, continuing warrantless wiretapping of the American people, failing to close Guantanamo Bay, failing to prosecute those who ordered torture, failing to restore civil liberties lost under the Patriot Act, increasing banker bailouts and ensuring the national debt soars, while reversing almost every promise he made during the election campaign.

The fact that the Coffee Party was originally proposed as a reaction to the infiltration of the Tea Party by Alex Jones listeners and Ron Paul supporters weeks before the emergence of the establishment front Coffee Party led by Obama campaign operative Annabel Park goes to show once again that our efforts to form a non-partisan resistance movement against the big government agenda is under constant assault from a system desperate to uphold the integrity of the phony left-right paradigm.

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By playing off the hijacked Tea Party and the establishment front Coffee Party against each other, the establishment hopes to neutralize the issues that the original Tea Party was founded to promote – ending the Federal Reserve, shrinking the size of government, and putting a stop to unprovoked and unconstitutional foreign wars.

The Real Coffee Party is born out of the bullet proof idea that the only way America can recover from the quagmire it finds itself in is to reject the phony left-right paradigm that has wrought so much damage and prevented people from finding a real alternative to the constant rotation of Democrats and Republicans whose fundamental core principles – big government, foreign wars, and shrinking liberties, are a mirror image of each other.

The following Constitutional Code summarizes the tenets of the Real Coffee Party platform. Unlike the Obama-affiliated Coffee Party and the Republican hijacked Tea Party, these principles owe their allegiance to the Constitution and the vision of the Founding Fathers, not to partisan power politics and the contrived left-right paradigm.


1) Defend and secure the borders of the United States of America. Prevent the illegal creation of “sanctuary cities” and enforce immigration laws.

2) Uphold the second amendment and repeal unconstitutional gun laws.

3) End the Federal Reserve’s stranglehold over the American economy.

4) Reject and repeal all international treaties that supersede the U.S. Constitution and violate national sovereignty.

5) Uphold medical privacy and completely outlaw forcible injections.

6) End all invasive, unprovoked and unconstitutional foreign wars.

7) Peacefully take back control of the states from increasing federal encroachment via the 9th and 10th amendments.

8} End the federalization and militarization of law enforcement.

9) End unconstitutional land grabs, neo-feudalism and outlaw carbon taxes fraudulently promoted in the name of climate change.

10) End the unconstitutional use of the Patriot Act against U.S. citizens.

Over the next few days we will be launching a new website for the Real Coffee Party and invite you to join us by promoting our beliefs to everyone you know and spreading the word.

Just like the establishment was able to launch the fraudulent Coffee Party on the back of an aggressive viral Internet campaign, we shall be attempting to do the same, starting with using the twitter trends #coffeeparty#teaparty and #realcoffeeparty to educate people about the genuine grassroots resistance to big government and the new world order.


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