Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
May 26, 2010

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is criticizing reports that President Obama plans to send only 1,200 National Guard troops into the border disaster areas to fight the drug and human importing cartels.

Different official estimates indicated that three to ten thousand illegal aliens cross the Southern border of the United States each night, transported in with drugs by cartels that have over 135,000 gang members in their smuggling operations according to the Pentagon. More than 1200 people have been murdered by these same cartels in Mexico this year.

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“I feel like a starving man that’s been handed a cracker,” said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. “This low number of troops is woefully inadequate and is further proof that President Obama does not take his Constitutional responsibility to protect all states from invasion seriously.”

Thousands of Americans are being killed by illegal aliens each year due to the Executive Branch’s failure to secure our borders and enforce our existing immigration laws at the request of the US Chamber of Commerce and other special interest groups.

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and businesses due to illegal labor.

American wages have been depressed by billions of dollars, billions of dollars in taxpayer resources are being stolen by illegal immigrants each year, and the total losses of property are immeasurable.

“Obama sending 1,200 National Guard troops up against the drug cartel armies is about as sick of a joke as his pledge we will be landing on Mars in 2035,” said William Gheen. “I hope the new Congress in 2011 impeaches him and Joe Biden, and considers putting them both on trial for treason against the American public. Then perhaps we can get our borders secured and citizens protected during a time of war.”

The US Constitution requires the President and Congress to protect all states from invasion. The American public overwhelming expects our borders to be secured, especially during a time of war. Yet, American borders remain open and news stories from across America roll in about illegal aliens raping, murdering, molesting, menacing, and threatening Americans in many ways.

While Janet Napolitano recently lied by saying the borders are secured, stories fill the blogosphere each day like the one where an illegal alien deported 9 times has been accused of raping a woman in Edmonds, Washington in broad daylight. Several of these kinds of news reports can be found at each week.

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