Kurt Nimmo
August 25, 2008

Faux News darling, inveterate neocon, and internment camp advocate Michelle Malkin got more than she bargained for when she ventured out in the street in Denver to take pictures of her avowed enemies, members of the “far left” gathered to protest the DNC.

She didn’t bargain for Alex Jones, who is not a member of the “far left” or any other category of the manufactured false right-left paradigm, but is rather a true conservative, a species completely alien to Malkin, who is a neocon, that is to say a Trotskyite, and a monster, as Alex averred.

Of course, Malkin is too young and untutored to know the true roots of the political ideology she espouses, so it will suffice to say she is a shameless opportunist on parade as a Bush “conservative,” that is to say she is an authoritarian warmonger intolerant of the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights.

At 57 seconds into the video here, Alex adeptly scouts out Malkin in the crowd. Malkin poses as a tourist in search of a few digital pictures, no doubt to put on her blog to accompany one of her hateful diatribes. “Hey, Michelle Malkin, you still promoting FEMA camps for the American people?” Alex inquires. Malkin acts as if she has no idea what Alex is talking about, although the expression on her face gives it all away.

A few years ago Malkin decided to cash in on the hysteria fabricated by the government in the wake of the September 11, 2001, inside job and wrote In Defense of Internment: The Case for “Racial Profiling” in World War II and the War on Terror. In the book, she made excuses for the immoral mass round-up of Japanese Americans during the Second World War and advocates racial profiling of Muslims and Arabs in the current context.

Back in 2004, when Malkin’s scurrilous book hit the streets, I wrote: “Malkin is preparing the ethical skids for internment of Muslim Americans who are, simply by virtue of their religion, considered somehow less than American and deserving of a FEMA camp if, per chance, Osama bin Goldstein pulls off another attack.”

Since I wrote the above, more than a few of Malkin’s neocon compatriots have called for 9/11 truth activists to be arrested, beaten, tased, and disappeared into concentration camps. Neocon Michael Reagan, the adopted son of the late Ronald Reagan, called for the truth activist Mark Dice to be shot, while Faux News talking head Brian Kilmead suggested beating dissidents for the crime confronting politicians. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough made a point of stressing that 9/11 truth activists be roundly tased and rendered to “special” detention centers. Geraldo Rivera characterized 9/11 truth activists as “anarchists” and on one occasion went so far as to suggest the bombing of a military recruiting center in Times Square was the work of truth activists, while Glenn Beck has compared activists to Timothy McVeigh, who was executed for his involvement in the false flag op in Oklahoma City.

Malkin is directly linked to this despicable bunch and no doubt harbors likewise sentiment in regard to people who oppose the neocon “clash of civilizations,” that is to say the neocon mass murder campaign currently responsible for well over a million people.

It’s really too bad Malkin was not arrested immediately for the part she has played in that murder campaign, a massive war crime bordering on the sort the Nazis committed and were sent to the gallows for.

Instead, she is allowed to “work,” as she insisted when confronted by Alex for her complicity in crime, her advocation of internment camps and torture. The Faux News darling was outraged that Alex Jones and others on the street in Denver would dare interrupt her “work,” that is to say her continuing support for the neocons and their crimes against humanity.

It was a good thing, Alex getting up in her face. It was good Alex and company chased the little darling of Faux News down the street and back to her hotel.

It was the least they could do.

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