Media commentator Mark Dice recently trolled American coffee company Folgers into releasing a statement in support of Black Lives Matter.
Calling out the dark color of the iconic company’s flagship product, coffee, Dice last Friday facetiously asked why they had yet to release a tweet in support of the black community.
“@Folgers Your coffee may be black, but do you support Black Lives Matter?” Dice asked the company on Twitter.
@Folgers Your coffee may be black, but do you support Black Lives Matter? I don't see a tweet showing solidarity with the black community in this time of need like so many other brands have done. This is very surprising and upsetting.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 13, 2020
“I don’t see a tweet showing solidarity with the black community in this time of need like so many other brands have done.”
“This is very surprising and upsetting,” he added.
Sensing they could face the wrath of a liberal mob, Folgers felt compelled to respond to Dice:
We unequivocally denounce racism, intolerance, bias, violence and injustice. We firmly stand alongside and compassionately support those who experience racism, live in fear of falling victim to injustice or are in despair during this painful time.
— Folgers (@Folgers) June 13, 2020
We unequivocally denounce racism, intolerance, bias, violence and injustice. We firmly stand alongside and compassionately support those who experience racism, live in fear of falling victim to injustice or are in despair during this painful time.
Unfortunately, the statement didn’t appease Dice, who wanted the company to go even further.
Sadly, these are just words. Have you helped Al Sharpton pay off his income taxes, or donated to any other social justice warriors like Ice Cube who are on the front lines fighting against whiteness? If not, then there's really no point in you even tweeting.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 13, 2020
“Sadly, these are just words,” Dice told the coffee maker. “Have you helped Al Sharpton pay off his income taxes, or donated to any other social justice warriors like Ice Cube who are on the front lines fighting against whiteness? If not, then there’s really no point in you even tweeting.”
Dice has been on a roll lately trolling numerous multi-million dollar corporations that have nothing to do with racial injustice into virtue-signaling their support for black people.
“@Sharpie You make black markers, but I can’t see if you support Black Lives Matter,” Dice tweeted at the permanent marker company. “What are you doing to help end racism in the marker industry, or do you not care?”
@Sharpie You make black markers, but I can't see if you support Black Lives Matter.
Most brands have a pinned tweet apologizing for the death of George Floyd.
What are you doing to help end racism in the marker industry, or do you not care?
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 17, 2020
“What exactly is @cheezit doing to help fight racism in the cheese industry?” Dice asked the Kellogg-owned snack food maker.
What exactly is @cheezit doing to help fight racism in the cheese industry?
Unlike most other food brands, your company hasn't posted an apology for George Floyd's death, not even a word!
I've probably eaten 200 pounds of Cheez-Its in my life & this is how you thank me?
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 16, 2020
“I’ve probably eaten 200 pounds of Cheez-Its in my life & this is how you thank me?” he added.
He also asked candy brands Skittles and Starburst why they haven’t produced black candies “to show solidarity” with the black community.
“With everything going on, you would think @Starburst candy would have a Black Starburst to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter, but they don’t,” Dice jokingly lamented. “It could be a blackberry, licorice, or prune. Plenty of options would work, but apparently Starburst doesn’t care.”
With everything going on, you would think @Starburst candy would have a Black Starburst to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter, but they don't.
It could be a blackberry, licorice, or prune. Plenty of options would work, but apparently Starburst doesn't care.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 17, 2020
Did I miss @Skittles plan to end racism in the candy industry, or are they going to continue to ignore what's right in front of them?
Please forgive me if I missed it, but I didn't see your apology for George Floyd's death or your commitment to black lives matter.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 16, 2020
@KITKAT Your candy may be brown, but do you support brown PEOPLE?
I can't buy another KitKat unless I know for 100% that you have apologized for George Floyd's death,
and I haven't seen your company's plan to help end racism in the candy industry.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 17, 2020
@Hostess_Snacks Have you considered a special edition Black Lives Matter Hostess Cupcake to help fight racism?
Think of how powerful that would be! The cupcakes are *already* black! Everyone at the grocery store would see them too!
Or do you not support Black Lives Matter?
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 17, 2020
In a brilliant stroke of genius, Dice also directed his fake outrage toward retail store Bed Bath and Beyond, telling them their listing of white sheets is racist as its the KKK’s go-to fabric.
Excuse me @BedBathBeyond, but with white sheets having such a history of racism, for example being the very fabric the KKK uses to make their uniforms, don’t you think it’s time to stop selling them? There are plenty of other colors available. Why still sell the racist ones?
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 16, 2020
“Excuse me @BedBathBeyond , but with white sheets having such a history of racism, for example being the very fabric the KKK uses to make their uniforms, don’t you think it’s time to stop selling them? There are plenty of other colors available. Why still sell the racist ones?”
Dice’s trolling efforts come as many popular food brands including Aunt Jemima are facing scrutiny and overhauls for featuring black mascots, despite their foods playing no role in the current discussion on racial inequality.
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