Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) confessed that the Democratic party is an aimless, demoralized political faction after suffering crushing defeats in recent elections.

“At the present time… we have no strategy, and we have no plan,” he told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin. “I do think it is time for us to bring in younger leadership.”

“In fact, if we don’t, I think it will spell the demise of the Democratic caucus – if we’re not already primitively in a state of smallness.”

Democrats in Congress re-elected 76-year-old Nancy Pelosi as minority leader, earlier this week. She defeated 43-year-old Tim Ryan (D-Ohio).

The average age of Democrat leadership in the House is now 76 (Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn), while the average age of Republican leadership is 49 (Ryan, McCarthy, Scalise).

Democratic Rep. Ryan recently voiced concerns for the Democratic party’s decay that align with Cleaver’s.

“I’m pulling the fire alarm, because the house is burning down, and we better get our act together or we’re going to cease being a national party,” he told Fox Business. “We’re going to be a regional party that fails to get into the majority, and fails to do things on behalf of those working class people that were the backbone of the Democratic Party for so long.”

President Obama laid the blame for Democrat losses on “Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country,” as his latest attack on all media outlets that do not devoutly carry water for the socialist-globalist agenda.

An interesting additional takeaway from the Cleaver interview was host Melvin evidently reinforcing the notion that MSNBC is a propaganda tool of the Democrat party by co-opting Cleaver’s assessment, affirmatively clarifying, “We should bring in young blood – just not now?”

Facebook: Dan Lyman

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