Hillary Clinton re-emerged publicly for the first time since her concession speech looking like death warmed up, hardly a rebuke to the “conspiracy theorists” who questioned her health throughout the election cycle.
Hillary gave a speech at a gala for the Children’s Defense Fund, which is somewhat ironic given that she once laughed about defending a child rapist who she knew was guilty.
However, some of the people in attendance might have thought they’d accidentally stumbled onto the set of a re-make of Dawn of the Dead and that Hillary was one of the extras.
Hillary looked gaunt and exhausted, with huge bags under her bloodshot eyes. The Daily Mail was a little more polite, reporting that Hillary was “weary-looking”.
That’s odd given that she just had a week off and spent most of her presidential campaign sleeping or AWOL.
“Seeing her now, I wonder if she was wearing some sort of prosthetics on her face in combination with buckets of paint to make herself appear human,” remarked Chris Menahan.
“Hillary isn’t going to make it to see Trump inaugurated,” one Twitter user joked.
Hillary isn't going to make it to see Trump inaugurated fam. pic.twitter.com/jmmSnQiAK2
— Comrade Stump (@CantStumpTrump1) November 17, 2016
Her dreadful appearance once again validates concerns voiced by what the media called “conspiracy theorists” throughout her failed campaign that Hillary was in ill health following a number of falls, stumbles and other bizarre behavior.
“Coming here tonight wasn’t easy,” commented Clinton during her speech.
Yes, Hillary, it must have been difficult to drag yourself out of your sick bed.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.
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