Google-owned video giant YouTube recently removed hundreds of cryptocurrency-related videos, apologizing shortly afterward and promised to reinstate banned videos and channels.

So far, many are still offline. reports that Google-owned video hosting website YouTube removed a large number of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency-related videos from its site earlier this week in what the site has now claimed was an “error.”

YouTube has since stated that it would be restoring the suspended videos, but so far many are still offline.

A YouTube spokesperson commented on the deletion stating: “With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call.

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When it’s brought to our attention that a video has been removed mistakenly, we act quickly to reinstate it.”

The spokesperson stated that YouTube’s policies towards cryptocurrency content had not changed and that all affected videos were “reinstated” without “any penalty to the channel.”

Hundreds of channels were affected by the sudden removals which have been referred to as the “Crypto YouTube Purge of 2019” by some:

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