Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, July 10, 2008

The former New York City chief emergency manager Jerome Hauer, whose office was on the 23d floor of WTC 7, was also a building collapse specialist, according to a recently uncovered New York Times article. Hauer has attracted suspicion from the 9/11 truth movement because of his zeal to push the official story in the hours after the attack when details were still sketchy.

Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates – the company that provided security for the WTC complex on 9/11 – and he also betrayed advance knowledge of the anthrax attacks a week before they happened.

In a July 27 1999 NY Times article unearthed by 9/11 Blogger entitled What Could Go Wrong? It’s His Job to Know, Hauer is given a glowing write-up by journalist Randy Kennedy.

“There is one story he tells in which this fascination is quite literal….But another illustration, a bit more metaphorical, is hard to miss when you walk into his office on the 23rd floor of 7 World Trade Center, otherwise known as ”the bunker,” the $13 million bulletproof, hurricane-proof, blackout-proof emergency crisis center opened by the city last month.”

The article describes Building 7 for what it was, a structurally reinforced immovable object built for the express purpose of standing strong in a crisis situation, not the weakling tinderbox that allegedly became the first steel building in history to collapse from fire damage alone, according to debunkers like the BBC, the History Channel, Popular Mechanics and others.

Indeed, as the NY Times quotes Larry Silverstein as stating in 1989, WTC 7 designers “Built in enough redundancy to allow entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building’s structural integrity,” a solid structure that was again improved upon that year with “More than 375 tons of steel – requiring 12 miles of welding.”

The article describes Hauer’s role, “As the city’s chief emergency manager, Mr. Hauer oversees the response to building collapses, of which there have been no shortage over the last three years.”


Jerome Hauer: Pictured in 1996 with Rudy Giuliani.

“For much of his professional life, it has been the task of Jerome M. Hauer, 47, to know a lot about how things work so that when they stop working — when they fall down, when they get blown down or blown up, when they freeze or burst or burn out — he knows what to do. Like all self-described emergency junkies, he sits around all day thinking up horrifying ways for things to be destroyed and people to die and then hoping that all his plans stay on the shelf.

Interesting therefore that Hauer would have his office in the middle of a 47-storey building that collapsed into its own footprint within 7 seconds in the late afternoon of 9/11 having been hit by minimal debris and suffering limited fire damage.

The article emphasizes the emergencies Hauer would list in his resume that he was an expert on, “Helicopter crash, subway fire, water main break, ice storm, heat wave, blackout, building collapse, building collapse, building collapse.”

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, Hauer appeared on CBS News with Dan Rather and immediately set about crafting a surprisingly affirmative explanation for the events and spun a yarn that soon became the official story.

Watch the clip.

Hauer was suspiciously keen to stress that the buildings were not demolished by explosives but by the planes that hit them, despite this being a complete reversal of what chief WTC architects and designers had concluded during studies about the impact of planes into the twin towers beforehand.

Hauer also pointed the finger directly at Bin Laden as the script began to unfold.

“[M]y sense is that just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building that burned, that the velocity of the plane certainly had an impact on the structure itself. And then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat probably weakened the structure as well. And I think it was simply the planes hitting the buildings and causing the collapse,” Hauer told Rather.

Rather also asks Hauer if the attacks could have been carried out without state sponsorship. Hauer replies: “I’m not sure I agree that this is necessarily state-sponsored. It… certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden.”

Hauer was surprisingly “accurate” with his foreknowledge of how the official story would later appear to confirm all of his initial presumptions despite the chaos surrounding the attacks in the hours after they took place.

On 9/11, Hauer was Managing Director of Kroll Associates, a security firm intertwined with the military-industrial complex that was also coincidentally in charge of security for the entire World Trade Center complex on that fateful day.

Furthermore, it was Hauer that reportedly advised the White House to begin taking Cipro, an antibiotic which is effective against anthrax, on the very day of 9/11 and one week before the first anthrax letter was received.

Two months after 9/11, Hauer was part of a Council on Foreign Relations panel that released a document entitled Independent Task Force on America’s Response to Terrorism, which in part called for alternative explanations behind 9/11 to be countered.

Hauer’s almost instant and precise summation of the cause of building collapses that were completely unprecedented in history, along with his “expertise” in the characteristics of controlled demolition, in addition to his foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks and his position with Kroll Associates, justifiably continue to attract interest amongst researchers in the 9/11 truth movement.

RELATED: Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment

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