Andrew Steele
America 20xy
November 4, 2011
From Mobile Beat 11/3/11:
“Bluetooth headset maker Jawbone will soon release its new Up life monitoring wristband that’s designed to help you live a more healthy life by tracking every move you make, what you’re eating, how long you’re sleeping and how many calories you burn.”
The wristbands attach to mobile phones. Apparently the user is expected to wear the wristbands 24 hours a day. The company has made it easy for them to do so by making the bands out of medical-grade, hypo-allergenic rubber, which makes the bracelets sweat-proof and water resistant.
This is yet another example of police state indoctrination-though-gadget. Such toys serve to warm the public over to an inevitable reality in which the monitoring of every aspect of one’s life by machines– which will report the information back to centralized government/corporate centers– is no longer a voluntary novelty, but a shackle nobody can get away from.
As I’ve written before, in 2010 a video surfaced on the net of video game CEO Jesse Schell excitedly speaking of a future in which the objects around us keep track of our actions so that humans can be ‘rewarded‘ for good behaviour from insurance companies and other corporate entities. As well, shows like the Discovery Channel’s “2057″ let it be known that by that year privacy will have ended (if the globalists get what they want) portraying a future in which everyday objects analyze our lives and our bodies like tattling little sisters reporting back to Big Brother, showing such things as toilets analyzing people’s urine and forwarding that information back to their insurance companies. It also showed people getting messages in their mirrors telling them that they’re not brushing their teeth properly.
Similar to that projected future, the Up wristband helps perform a guilt trip on the user over his or her diet.
From Wired:
“…users are asked to create a visual meal journal, composed through taking pictures of what you’ve eaten throughout the day with your smartphone. After you’ve had enough time to digest your food, Up asks you how it all felt going down, correlating your overall physical feelings with your daily diet.”
A prison world where machines serve largely in place of the uniformed guards is a nightmare most people have no idea is being planned for us, and few have any clue that the toys they’re buying are leading us closer to it. Though the use of certain technology starts out as voluntary, eventually society is strategically restructured so that use of the technology is mandated not through legislation, but through the fact that it becomes almost impossible to operate in society without it. For example, people in management positions at certain companies are required to carry mobile phones and be on call to their employers, leaving them no excuse to “miss” the call. As well, many companies have eliminated paper paychecks completely in favor of direct deposit as the powers that be attempt to slowly eliminate the use of cash.
Mobile phones are not secure, as proven by stories of hackers stealing information from the phones of celebrities and governments’ interception of mobile phone communications. Having such intimate, by the second personal data available will add another element to the profiling abilities of law enforcement and corporations and move the personal internal sanctity of our bodies out into the public sphere. Because Up monitors a person’s diet and sleep patterns, including their quality of sleep, psychological analysis could be done on a targeted individual, giving the invisible holder of this information an upper hand in the largely mental war that is the movement to enslave humanity.
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