2010 was a year of worldwide awakening, 2011 will go a long way to proving whether or not the resistance has teeth

Will It Be A Happy New Year For the Global Resistance Against the New World Order? 311210top

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 was a year of extremes – a clear intensification of the tyranny being metered out in pursuit of a new world order, but also a tipping point in the accelerating awakening of human consciousness to the reality of the agenda for global serfdom.

There can be little doubt that the building global resistance against the new world order is starting to concern the global architects of that very agenda. This was exemplified back in May at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Montreal, when co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission and regular Bilderberg attendee Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one world government.

Brzezinski explained that, “For the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened – that’s a total new reality – it has not been so for most of human history.”

Brzezinski continued, “The whole world has become politically awakened,” adding that all over the world people were aware of what was happening politically and were “consciously aware of global inequities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation.”

That resistance against “lack of respect” and being treated like slaves reached a crescendo in November when an organic nationwide backlash against invasive and degrading TSA airport security measures hit fever pitch. Despite a massive revolt lead by the likes of Matt Drudge and our own Alex Jones, the TSA refused to back down and change their procedures, a decision that could prove fatal to the very existence of the federal agency now that airports are considering kicking out the TSA for good.

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2010 also saw an anemic economic uptick spun as a fantastic recovery by the corporate media, as the happy clappers on Wall Street continue to be oblivious to the pain that Main Street endures as the financial terrorists who caused the economic collapse prepare to unleash higher intensity austerity measures in their mission to eviscerate the middle class.

As every social/financial analyst worth their salt has confidently forecast, the riots that rocked 2010 in Greece, Italy, France, Britain and other countries are only set to escalate. The big question that everyone is asking is if those riots will spread to the streets of American cities. When Time Magazine is reporting that the prospect of civil war in the U.S. “doesn’t seem that far fetched,” you know that civil unrest cannot be far away.

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With the Obama administration set to seize private 401(k) pensions and turn them over to the Social Security Administration, how long will it be before Americans stir from their slumber and realize that their economic future and also that of their children is in immediate peril?

When will Americans begin to understand that the onset of another government bailout in the form of QE2 represents the biggest bank robbery in history?

Just how distracted, dumbed-down, fat and lazy has the American middle class become to prevent them from realizing a threat when they see it?

British historian Simon Schama predicts not only widespread civil unrest in America, but even a potential revolution if the elite allow the situation to spiral out of their control. Schama notes that Obama will have to ditch “misplaced obligations of civility” and become an authoritarian enforcer in order to emerge successful against the rising tide of Constitutionalist rage that will be directed against the coming austerity fascism.

The blinders are falling – while 2010 saw an acceleration of humanity breaking free from its social, psychological and political chains – 2011 will go a long way to answering the big question – what next? How will the species as a collective consciousness utilize this new found fearlessness to turn and face their slavemasters. Will humanity, lulled by the latest gizmos and gadgets, 3D televisions, holographic games consoles, the iPad 2, and a myriad of other distractions, simply go back to sleep, or will the resistance continue to build well into 2011?

We won’t have to wait very long to find out…happy new year.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

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