We already posted about the new DOJ Inspector General report analyzing the FBI’s use of the PATRIOT Act’s Section 215 “business records” collection. Among the various things in the unredacted sections of the report is yet another claim (following on many similar statements) that the Section 215 program has never been shown to actually be that useful:

That wasn’t all that interesting on its own, given how many times others (including many with the security clearance and access to know) have made the same point. But what’s incredibly troubling is that the very same day that this report came out, Attorney General Loretta Lynch was making the rounds claiming the exact opposite.
Meanwhile, today Attorney General Loretta Lynch weighed in on the debate in Congress, claiming the exact opposite. She was quoted by CBS News as saying that if Patriot Act Section 215 expires: “[W]e lose important tools. I think that we lose the ability to intercept these communications, which have proven very important in cases that we have built in the past.” (emphasis mine)
So to sum up: the Justice Department’s own Inspector General said information collected under Section 215 did not lead to “any major case developments,” but the Attorney General said that Section 215 has “proven very important in cases that we have built.” Both statements cannot be true.
And, remember, the Attorney General is the head of the Justice Department. It certainly sounds like she’s either woefully uninformed or outright lying. She is new at the job, but not so new that she wouldn’t know these basic facts.
And, in some ways it gets even worse. As Patrick Eddington points out, Lynch appears to be directly calling for the continuation of a program that the 2nd Circuit appeals court just declared illegal. Doesn’t that raise some fairly important questions, when you have the Attorney General — the person officially in charge of enforcing our laws insisting that we need to continue an illegal program?
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