Tune in to find out what YOU can do to stop election theft and the downfall of America by globalist forces from within!
War Room: Democrats Caught On Tape Buying Votes and Ballot Harvesting: Watch Live
Project Veritas uncovered ballot harvesting scheme by political allies and associates of Rep. Ilhan Omar…
Owen Shroyer hosts this LIVE edition of War Room, weekdays 3-6 p.m. CT.
Also catch the streams at infowars.com/show and Banned.video.
Alex Jones Show -Global Bombshell: Researchers Confirm Communist China Launched Covid Hysteria to End US Superpower Status
This is an absolute, must-watch live Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show – James O’Keefe, David Icke & Paul Joseph Watson will appear
Tune in for this global bombshell as we reveal how China exaggerated the severity of Covid-19 to destroy its economic enemies, including the US. Politicians who are still pushing Covid hysteria are representing China’s best interests:
Gen. Flynn: If America Falls, Where Will You Go?
Where will you go to find another country that provides the opportunities and individual guarantees of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness outlined in our founding documents and guaranteed by a government of, by and for the people?
Name a country that offers you and your family the same or more than our United States of America? The answer is: Nowhere; there isn’t such a place.
This is our land, these are our people, these are our cities, neighborhoods and streets and this is our country.
President John F. Kennedy described America as the beacon of hope for others around the world. This is our place and our responsibility and our founding, evolution and growth as a nation are precisely defined by our imperfections, experiences and abilities to redeem and renew ourselves.
What makes America that beacon of hope is that we are, traditionally, a nation of idea generators, problem solvers, decision-makers, communicators, doers, builders and warriors; we can think for ourselves, speak freely, act and deliver results.
But being hopeful is not a survival plan: Hope has never won a war nor will it win peace on the home front.
We cannot hope to shut our eyes against the painful truth that our very existence is, once again, in jeopardy. Failed Marxist ideologies have invaded the mainstream of our consciousness like a network of choking vines seeking to strangle the mighty American oak tree.
These ideologies manifest themselves through 1) social media censorship of the free exchange of ideas; 2) mainstream messaging that drives toward thought control; 3) political correctness designed to force behavioral compliance; 4) unethical technology use supporting security state command by an over-reaching few; and 5) the selective application, weaponization and enforcement of the very ideals, laws and institutions designed to protect us.
We are but one generation from third-world poverty, dissolution and enslavement if we choose to stand idly by and allow those seeking to project their failed ideology onto the landscape that is America. The shining city on the hill is the last stronghold of freedom and we are under siege.
So, I ask you again, if America falls, where will you go?
Ensuring that situation does not happen requires that we all go on the offensive. The time of fear must now turn from anger into inspiration and action. Now is the time for all good people of America to act to protect what is ours by right and law.
Our strengths as a nation have been our diversity of thought, judgment, unity of spirit, courage as a people and devotion to what is right and just.
Our Founding Fathers were imperfect and not politically correct. They spoke their minds, shared their ideas, worked with their fellow countrymen and risked life, liberty and property to ensure that the opportunities that freedom presents would be institutionally guaranteed during their lifetime.
In short, they sacrificed much. Generations of Americans, unknown to our Founding Fathers, have benefitted from their resolute courage, devotion and profound sacrifice. But knowledge of history is not enough to secure and protect what is now rightfully ours by birth, law and responsibility.
Don’t blindly vote for an unknown future.
Kindness, generosity, courage under fire and willingness to help our fellow Americans in time of need are hallmarks of the American dream. But the American dream isn’t truly a dream for the future; it is manifested as opportunity now.
And, the American dream is rooted in the power of the American people — exercising the ultimate power of our vote. Thus, we are empowered to positively make a difference in our lives, our children’s lives and our neighbors’ lives.
We can minimize any post-election buyer’s remorse by researching the candidates we choose to send as our representatives to local, state and federal government.
If the candidates before us are unknown, we should reach out to them and ask them their intentions as well as what they believe are the priority issues, problems and crises before us. But don’t blindly vote for an unknown future. Make your vote count and don’t allow others to manipulate your vote for their own purposes.
Consider sending to those government positions rational and thoughtful representatives who are willing to fight for the betterment of our nation, our states and our neighborhoods.
As Martin Luther King Jr. suggested, character matters. And once elected, it is we the people who are responsible for holding those officials accountable to ensure their words equal their actions. Among others, these just actions are within your power.
This is grassroots patriotism and we should not be shaken from what we believe in. Standing up for American ideals and for the American dream are important components of American values. I value my faith, my family, my country and the true friends who willingly stand with me during thick and thin times.
America is the land of opportunity, and freedom of the human spirit is the way toward achieving that opportunity.
To secure our republic, every American must then do their part; this is what shapes America. All of us working on the little things across the country — for example, working on school boards, at your state capitol, in your church communities, in local races, on reforming voting laws, observing voting sites, speaking out about ever-changing mask policies or about uncertain vaccines, etc.
Everyone doing something, no one doing everything, none of us needs to be a Washington, D.C., “superstar.” Many people doing their own small part will produce big results.
Although we need leaders at the national level to fight for us, the work done at the grassroots level maintains a strong foundation that keeps us free. America has a few Joan of Arcs, but the “Little Flowers” living their hidden lives and being faithful in the small things are crucial for our country to thrive.
People need to decide to get involved. Give up your personal plans and go to the local meeting at your town or city hall. Make efforts to stay informed and tell your friends what you think in order to encourage one another. We have to make sure we discuss politics with our children and instill good, positive American values in them, instead of leaving them to the school system to indoctrinate.
These are all things that we can’t let slide.
Sometimes we feel like if we can’t fix everything, why start now? Fight this feeling and instead chip away at the small things you can do, and together we will turn this ship around.
Keep in mind the work I describe is neither fast-paced nor exciting. It is slow and tedious. Local council meetings are usually long and drawn out; lobbying at your state capitol is time-consuming; discussing politics with your friends, family or neighbors is uncomfortable and sometimes alienating. Yes, it’s hard; life is hard.
At the local level, we must encourage each other to take care of the little things. That is how we inspire and motivate, that is how we make a difference.
As an American, I served in the armed forces that guard our country and our way of life. I was and am prepared to give my life in its defense. I have but one lantern that guides my actions, and that is the lantern of experience.
I have seen evil, and evil’s greatest fear is courageous, devoted accountability. The mask of evil will often have a smile and a handout, but let’s not be fooled or lulled into sleep by the actions of appearance only but be awoken by the actions of courage and devotion.
Founding Father Samuel Adams said, “If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; may your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
In essence, if you don’t like America or what it stands for, leave.
It is not uncommon for man to be complacent while indulging in the illusions of hope.
Tyrants want an uninformed public. In fact, it is in their best interests.
Why do you think our media constantly deceives us through false and anonymous reporting? Hoping that someone will save us, that God will strike down evil before us or that others will stand in our place and do the right thing is foolish thinking.
Shutting our eyes against the painful truth that tyranny is knocking on America’s doors won’t save us from the hazards we will certainly face. The future is unknown, but there is no need to move into it blindly.
America now stands in need of its patriots to prevent its ruin. Never forget: Those things that are most precious can only be saved by sacrifice.
The very institutions designed by our Founding Fathers to guarantee accountability and our freedoms have become increasingly challenged by brazen hostile and evil forces seeking to highjack and tear down those institutions and the products of lifetimes of evolutionary American societal changes, attacking our culture, our history, the monuments that remind us of our storied past, societal support structures and the very fabric of our nation.
It is not the first time tyranny challenged freedom nor will it be the last time. Nonetheless, it is our time and our responsibility to act.
Along the way, “useful idiots” mob-rule the streets of America’s Democratic strongholds and suppress lawful accountability. The left is going to remove our rights, and those who currently rampage our streets and support this violent cause will also be cast aside.
They are only useful until they can no longer be controlled.
For me, I can imagine the Marxists incentivizing violence and drugs in our streets to use as an excuse to go after gun ownership or ammunition, thereby tightly regulating and taking away our Second Amendment right that guarantees our right to self-defense.
As we are seeing across our government today, they have spiked our institutions of accountability with left-leaning sympathizers who would selectively go after any opposition to their ham-fisted rule.
Left-leaning Big Tech firms that thrive because of our Constitution and Bill of Rights invade our privacy, observe us at will and control all information we are able to receive and broadcast, thereby ensuring that we never leave the security state.
At what point will there be no turning back? Are we heading toward an America that is no better than a third-rate nation or a failed society as many great empires of the past?
Our rights, our property, our liberty, our happiness and yes, our very lives are at stake in this upcoming election.
You ask: Is this possible?
Our republic was made by man; so, too, can it be undone by man.
God is also at risk in this new society that is rushing to take over America. Remember what they hate.
When we kneel before God, they know we can stand before anyone.
However, their plan depends on us following the path they have laid out in front of us. Our path is not known but by the grace of God. It is he who shines the light ahead of us showing us the way to truth and justice.
I am not a faith-wearing Christian. I do believe that the strength of our convictions and a strong belief in God is vital for a happier and healthier life. While we are all imperfect, we are also capable of learning and growing.
The time for spiritual growth as a nation is upon us. Ripping faith out of the fabric that is America is what the Marxist left is attempting to do. We cannot allow this to happen. This current assault will absolutely be stopped if each of us does our part.
Words mean little when action is required, and now, it is time for thoughtful selfless action to protect and maintain the integrity of our nation, a nation that has much to be grateful for.
Our rich past is filled with strength and imperfections that make us who we are today. It is a storied past filled with heroes and villains, adversity, challenge and the will to overcome. Cherishing this past is the only way we may ensure our children will not repeat the suffering our forefathers endured.
Americans in the past have prevailed during the direst of situations: wars, civil unrest, tyranny and challenge from external factions. Now, the only way to triumph in the face of evil is to stand up for and hold to account what is rightfully ours by birth, law and the light from God’s grace.
We will prevail. We must prevail. Every community leader, those who have yet to step up, now need to take that step and support our country, our communities, our first responders, our faith-based institutions and our children.
Let’s do it. Let’s retake our shining, hopeful city on the hill. Our future, our children’s future, our neighbors and our republic depend upon each of our actions and efforts to stand up for and realize our American dream today and every day.
May God bless America!
David Knight Show: Grassroots Lockdown Resistance Rising
Also, Trump prepares his own Obamacare & hands out watered down reparations
On this Monday broadcast of The David Knight Show, we’ll examine the growing resistance around the world against COVID-19 lockdown mandates and look into how to regain freedoms politicians have trampled on in the name of coronavirus.
Watch Live: Grassroots #Lockdown Resistance Rising; Trump Does Obamacare & BLM Juneteenth https://t.co/uWQ8CAKem3
— David Knight (@libertytarian) September 28, 2020
➡️Day 196 of undeclared #MartialLaw & #lockdown
➡️Election Circus as NYT begins debate opening salvo
➡️#London – the vestige of the vox populi attacked by jack-booted thugs
➡️Drone Swarms & the Artilect War
➡️Trump joins BLM to make Juneteenth national holiday— David Knight (@libertytarian) September 28, 2020
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