UPDATE: Infowars is considering taking legal action against news outlets who accused Infowars of fraudulent activity when in reality this story was merely about Roger Stone issuing a retraction, which is a routine activity of media and journalism.

Roger Stone: “I never knowingly Or willfully reported or broadcast any thing I knew to be false or untrue at the time. When I learned after the fact that some of the research supplied to me by Sam Nunberg was incorrect, I agreed to apologize and retract. That is what responsible journalists do.”

Stone will appear on One America News at 10am eastern today to discuss this matter.


The Wall Street Journal and the Hill published fake news about Roger Stone in an effort to portray Infowars as a fake news website.

Stone settled a defamation lawsuit on Monday by agreeing to post a retraction of false statements made about Chinese businessman Guo Wengui. Stone obtained the information from former Trump aide Sam Nunberg, which turned out to be inaccurate.

The WSJ and the Hill stories suggest that Stone’s conduct in posting information to Infowars was “irresponsible,” when in fact Stone was talking about him believing Sam Nunberg to be irresponsible.

This is a crucial difference because the smear campaign is being used to further entrench the lie that Infowars is a “fake news” website.

Stone’s full statement appears below;

As I indicated in my settlement agreement I made the terrible mistake of relying on the representations of Sam Nunberg in my reporting on Mr.Kwok. It’s almost as irresponsible as relying on the representations of Randy Credico. I am solely responsible for fulfilling the terms of the settlement

I have retracted one story out of the hundreds I have reported in the two years I have worked as a correspondent at InfoWars.

To be clear the WSJ and the AP misreported my statement. I never said my reporting for Infowars was “irresponsible”.


Contrary to widespread reports in the fake news media, I have never reported or broadcast anything I didn’t believe to be true at the time I reported it on Infowars or any other platform.

When some of the information I reported turned out to be wrong based on sources that were incorrect, I moved to correct those errors, something CNN, MSNBC and the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post refuse to do.

Here is a statement I released-

Roger Stone retracts, and apologizes for statements he has made regarding Guo Wengui, also known as Miles Kwok. Mr. Stone has publicly stated that Mr. Guo has been found guilty and convicted of financial crimes in the United States and that Mr. Guo has violated U.S. election law by making political donations to Hillary Clinton and financing a presidential run by Steven Bannon. All of these statements are not true. I failed to do proper research before making those statements and improperly relied upon information conveyed to me by Sam Nunberg, between early September 2017 and through the Fall of 2017. I believe the apparent source of the information was Bruno Wu. Recognizing my errors, I reached out to Mr. Guo and asked him to settle his defamation lawsuit against me. Mr. Guo graciously agreed to accept my regrets and apology.

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