A journalist defended himself against a violent Antifa mob attack during a protest in Huntington Beach on Saturday.

The demonstration saw two groups with opposing views on illegal immigration face off against each other.

During the rally, a YouTube journalist who goes by the moniker “THAT’S THE POINT with Brandon” became involved in a confrontation with armed mask-wearing Antifa thugs.

“Are you guys going skiing?” Brandon sardonically asks the group.

“This is America, I should be able to talk and walk wherever I want, right?” he adds as the mob circles around him.

A short Antifa member then fronts up to Brandon, prompting the YouTuber to tell him, “You don’t weigh enough little boy, you’re underage.”

The mob then begins grabbing on Brandon and hitting him with sticks, but Brandon defends himself adeptly with several punches.

Several members of the mob appear stunned that Brandon is able to defend himself so well and back away in fear.

“Let’s go fuck boy, let’s go pussy,” says Brandon as he is attacked by the mob.

“Though the media loves hyperventilating over rhetorical attacks on journalists, this physical attack on an independent journalist appears to have merited only one news article from the local news outlet the OC Register,” writes Chris Menahan.

Three Antifa members were later arrested for the attack, which left Brandon with a bleeding head wound.

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