While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:

  • The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational.  Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.
  • The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.
  • Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”
  • The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.
  • If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge a coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.”  But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad.

  • Days before, Russia actually made the unusual public statement that its support for Assad was “not unconditional.” Was Russia told about the potential strike days before?
  • Trump indicated the strike was meant to send a message… but keep in mind, the runway is still operational.  This was a slap on the wrist as far as harming Assad’s ability to wage war against ISIS.
  • When the strikes occurred, he was also hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping, so “sending a message” isn’t just limited to Syria.  Trump likely sees the North Korea and China situation as a real threat to the US.
  • The mainstream media can no longer claim Trump is “Putin’s puppet.”
  • Likewise, leftists are cucked even more because this is more than what Obama ever did, despite Obama actually wanting a war in Syria complete with “regime change.” Remember his “red line” meant to trigger Iraq 2.0.
  • This doesn’t help ISIS considering six Soviet-era MIG-23s are fairly easily replaced and, once again, the runway is unharmed.
  • John McCain and Lindsey Graham are effectively neutered in their attacks against Trump.
  • Some of Trump’s statements are worded carefully, such as: “Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,” he said. “It was a slow and brutal death for so many.”  As we reported on Wednesday, some of the babies appeared to have been murdered, but not necessarily from gas.  And if weaponized sarin gas was used by Syria – and not the weaker version homemade by terrorists – you’d expect affected children to die quicker.

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