We need a woman in the White House!

Criticism of Hillary is sexist!

Donald Trump is racist for criticizing illegal immigrants!

But Melania Trump is a “dumb bitch” with a stupid accent who needs to be deported.

If you needed a reminder about how leftists preach “tolerance” while engaging in actual bigotry, the reaction to Melania’s RNC speech provided it in spades.

Seizing on Melania’s alleged “plagiarism” of a few sentences of a Michelle Obama speech, liberals took it several steps further, characterizing Trump’s wife (who speaks five different languages and worked hard to escape life in a concrete tower block in communist Yugoslavia) as a stupid immigrant who can’t speak English properly.

Because when Trump calls for putting a stop to mass uncontrolled illegal immigration, he’s racist, but it’s perfectly fine for so-called liberals to insult an immigrant who became a U.S. citizen the legal way because she has a strong accent.

Leftists are also perfectly comfortable with rampant misogyny when they’re insulting women with whom they disagree.

Check out just a sample of the reaction below.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

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