We Are Change
Thursday, December 15, 2011

On September 13th, 2011, Thomas Kean, Chair of the 9/11 Commission and Former Governor of N.J., gave a lecture for the The Drew Forum, a series of public lectures at Drew University located in Madison, New jersey. We Are Change was tipped off to the event by http://www.youtube.com/FreedumbFighter28 and attended.

After the lecture, a question and answer session was opened up to the audience. When We Are Change asked Thomas Kean to address the collapse of WTC Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, and was not mentioned once in the 9/11 Commission Report, his answer was simply shocking.

Kean claims the Bureau of Standards Final Report on the collapse WTC Building 7 found that “aftershocks” from the planes hitting the twin towers caused the foundation of Building 7 to weaken and collapse. First, it is important to note that the National Bureau of Standards changed its name back in 1988 to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST. Second, no where in NIST’s Final Report does it say that aftershocks from the impact of the planes into the Twin Towers caused or even had a factor in the collapse of Building 7. In fact, NIST claims Building 7 was brought down by fire.

However, NIST’s Final Report has come under harsh criticism from highly reputable sources. A recent documentary released by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, which you can watch for free right now (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw-jzCfa4eQ), details meticulously the flaws and illogical conclusions brought forward by NIST.

How is it that the Chair of the most important criminal investigation of our lives doesn’t even know the official government story behind the collapse of Building 7? Furthermore, why does he make up a theory that is more illogical and more preposterous than the official version released by NIST, essentially baking a layer cake of lies? I think it’s time for a REAL 9/11 investigation.

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