One of the primary reasons why CNN is attempting to sabotage Infowars by having YouTube shut down our channels is because we are attracting an increasingly younger audience, while CNN’s is literally dying.
According to Nielsen Live, in 2017, the average CNN viewer was aged 60-years-old. This appears to be creeping up since the last time the figures were run, the average was 59-years-old.
Compare this to the average age of viewers to my YouTube channel.
CNN's average primetime viewer is 59 years old.
Compare this to my demographics, where the biggest groups are 18-24 and 25-34.
This is why they are so obsessed with bringing us down.
I've nothing against the elderly, but CNN's audience is literally dying.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) March 6, 2018
By far the biggest demographic is 18-24-year-olds and 25-34-year-olds.
While my audience appears to be getting younger and younger, CNN’s audience is literally dying.
This is also backed up by my own anecdotal experience. Every day, I receive glowing messages of support from people in their teens and early 20’s telling me how I changed their minds and that they are now conservatives or libertarians.
Virtually everyone who recognizes me on the street is also in these same age brackets.
Studies show that Generation Z, people born after 1995, are also likely to be more conservative than any generation since World War II.
According to Forbes, “Gen Z is more individualistic, more conservative both socially and fiscally, and they’re already making waves of impact on our political system.”
Last year, when I quipped that “conservatism is the new counter-culture,” the media defensively reacted with a volley of articles asserting that I was wrong.
But when dominant cultural institutions, the academic establishment, Silicon Valley and the legacy media all lean increasingly far left, how could conservatism not be the counter-culture?
You can’t be the dominant culture and the counter-culture. This is also reflected in messages I receive from teens in school who tell me that being a conservatism is a new form of rebellion that more and more young people are adopting as an identity.
Meanwhile, CNN’s ratings are crumbling.
CNN does not have a single show in the top 20 news shows.
Congratulations @FoxNews: Fox has 15 of the top 20 shows with @SeanHannity and @TuckerCarlson leading the pack at 1st and 2nd respectively. CNN has become totally irrelevant, down 19% from last year with only 1 show in the Top 25 (#24th).
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) March 5, 2018
Figures released last week show CNN has lost 19% of its total day audience and 16% of its primetime audience. Despite its widespread reach across airports, bars and hotel rooms, CNN returned an average audience of 979,000 total viewers, half that of MSNBC and way behind Fox News, which boasts and average viewing audience of 2.766 million viewers.
After enjoying a brief spurt thanks to the backlash to Trump’s election, CNN has now returned to its natural state of malaise and decline.
Given this, maybe CNN should concentrate on improving their dreadful ratings instead of trying to sabotage other news networks.
CNN is a global news organization with endless corporate funding and establishment-backing. They dwarf Infowars. But the fact that on some levels, despite having a vastly inferior budget and staff, we are beating them and demolishing their narrative, drives them completely insane.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison
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